Recent content by BadWolf

  1. B

    Monthly Newsletter or Individual News Posts?

    I like the monthly letters.
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  3. B

    I'm not really sure tbh. There was just a lot of DC and lag going on. The ride-a-thon was...

    I'm not really sure tbh. There was just a lot of DC and lag going on. The ride-a-thon was rescheduled, and there was an update. That's all I got.
  4. B

    [IMG] stuck up on the roof XD #yolo #swag #only90skids #candy #gingerbread #otherannoyinghashtags

    [IMG] stuck up on the roof XD #yolo #swag #only90skids #candy #gingerbread #otherannoyinghashtags
  5. B

    it's been giving me a really hard time today. like i finally got in.

    it's been giving me a really hard time today. like i finally got in.
  6. B

    dude i never get on this forum. but that's beautiful.

    dude i never get on this forum. but that's beautiful.
  7. B

    HOST Events Poll! (Followup)

    I liked the teleporter game.
  8. B

    Which HOST Event do you want to see the most?

    ride-a-thons would be cool.
  9. B

    For all the bullying you're getting over the gas mask, I think it looks great. Whether people...

    For all the bullying you're getting over the gas mask, I think it looks great. Whether people like that it's Doctor Who or not, you did a great job on it. ;)
  10. B

    that's gorgeous

    that's gorgeous
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  12. B

    Yeah like of photos saved to my computer. I probably should have said folder. Whoops.

    Yeah like of photos saved to my computer. I probably should have said folder. Whoops.
  13. B

    I literally have like a file of The Doctor (both 9/10) and Rose.

    I literally have like a file of The Doctor (both 9/10) and Rose.
  14. B

    omg that episode tho

    omg that episode tho
  15. B

    too far man

    too far man