Recent content by mitchelltheslider

  1. mitchelltheslider

    TSUM TSUM/Blind Bags Guide

    I got 2 bag 1's pins from jungle cruise two weeks ago by getting a certian amount of points (I think it was scoring 200,000 total) when the HM ears were released for the certain points on HM mini game. I think that the 4th one might be fireworks if they do a 4th release. After HM they might only...
  2. mitchelltheslider

    TSUM TSUM/Blind Bags Guide

    @Tohrukun yes bag 1 is jungle cruise bag 2 was potc and bag 3 is HM I think.
  3. mitchelltheslider

    TSUM TSUM/Blind Bags Guide

    Yeah thats what I was wondering too. I wonder if they are not HM Rares per say just more rare and ultra released with each bag instead of HM themed rares. I think everyone should start posting lists of all of the tsum tsums they have pulled/recieved with possible pictures and which bag they...
  4. mitchelltheslider

    TSUM TSUM/Blind Bags Guide

    Has anyone created a list for all the pirate releases yet? Like the one on the first page?
  5. mitchelltheslider

    LF: Mike or Sully tsum tsum

    Would you do 25k for sully? We can dicussion further if you want to. I'll be floating around Potc lobby the rest of the night
  6. mitchelltheslider

    Post a Picture of Yourself. Again

    Here is a work picture of me from last year A more recent photo
  7. mitchelltheslider

    As the Tsum Tsums roll out for the second round, can't help but wonder...

    @Best_Blonde I didn't know that lol must have been a little too caught up in playing so much JC I hope so that would be rad for a bunch of HM themed or costumed tsum tsums that each wear different halloween costumes
  8. mitchelltheslider

    As the Tsum Tsums roll out for the second round, can't help but wonder...

    Since we saw the first wave of tsum tsums released from the jungle cruise game we are now on round 2, fittingly since round 2 involves POTC game the tsum tsums are pirate themed. Anybody else share my speculation in that round 3 may involve the Haunted Mansion and HM themed tsum tsums?
  9. mitchelltheslider

    trading mike rolly and sulley for sven

    Disneymainiac1615 Ill buy them them both for 40k right now if you are still up for trading
  10. mitchelltheslider

    Elzibeth Swan Shirt

    Looking to get something in trade for this. Make me an offer :D
  11. mitchelltheslider

    LF: Mike or Sully tsum tsum

    Really been on the look out for one and missed the thread earlier that was up for trade.