Recent content by PastelRoses_

  1. P

    Exercise and Fitness!

    Fast paced weight/strength training at the gym. My favorite things to do are three rounds of lunges with weight and wall sits with a ball and weight. That's three days a week then three of swimming at the gym and the other is cardio. This coming school year it will be back to lacrosse twice a...
  2. P

    How do you get your sleep schedule back on track?(solution found)

    I used to stay up, then I discovered melatonin I use it for 2-3 nights then I'm back on track! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. P

    Dorm Room Decor Inspiration Thread :) Post pics of your room!

    I love this thread!! I'm posting my dorm from last year! I move in on the 22nd! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. P

    What's your school schedule for this year?

    Tues & Thurs: French I - CTVA 210 (screenwriting) - ART 250 (film photography plus dark room!!) Online: JS 318 (Applied Jew Ethic) - PHIL 200 (Critical Reasoning) Only 2 days a week! (Although I have lacrosse practice on the other days ;D Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk