Search results

  1. ZachTWB

    What do you think about "rerouting" the Rivers of America for Star Wars Land?

    A while back I asked Disneyland Today (an official Disneyland twitter account) about the rumors that part of the Rivers of America will be rerouted to make way for Star Wars Land. They responded and said that the Rivers of America would have a new route when it reopens after it's temporary...
  2. ZachTWB

    Value check? D60 pin, 60th ears, and Gold flaming window.

    Anyone know the values of these three items? D60 Pin 60th Ears Gold Flaming Window Thanks in advance :)
  3. ZachTWB

    Haven't been on in a while... Hi!

    I have not been on in a while due to computer trouble... I have an iPad but as you all know I can only get on the forums using the iPad. Anyway, glad to be back!
  4. ZachTWB

    I haven't been on in a while... Looking for Diamond Celebration pin..

    I haven't been on in a while due to computer trouble, and I just found out that MyVMK has Disneyland Diamond Celebration pins. Only trouble is I have no idea what they're worth. I am trusting someone will give me an honest answer. :)
  5. ZachTWB

    Doctor Who Items in VMK. What is your opinion?

    Most of us are adults here so I'm sure we can keep this civil. (Please note I do know Amy can do whatever she wants with this game.... I just realized the wording of the poll question seems a bit I don't know.. Rude.)
  6. ZachTWB

    Apple has provided a way to get rid of U2 from your music, and iCloud.

    Apple has launched a website to help get rid of the U2 songs out of your phone and icloud completely. Although it states that if you choose to have the album removed you may not get it back unless you pay for it. I know it seems rather fishy, but this IS an official apple website. To the left...
  7. ZachTWB

    iOS 8. Are you excited?

    Are you excited about iOS 8? What do you think? For those of you who do not know iOS 8 is expected to be released Wednesday the 17th of this month.
  8. ZachTWB

    Calling all iOS users.

    (Please do not vote if you are not an iOS user.) It's been a year so I decided to post this poll. What do you think of iOS 7? Has it grown on you? Or do you just plain hate it and wish it would burn? I'll also be posting a poll asking if you are excited for iOS 8 that is expected to be...
  9. ZachTWB

    How likely is a third theme park at Disneyland Resort?

    I'm just curious, I posted an earlier thread asking what theme park they would like to see next and I'm starting to realize not a lot of people expect them to build a third theme park which I can completely understand due to their limited amount of land but I still believe it's still pretty...
  10. ZachTWB

    Third Disney Theme Park?

    When Disneyland Resort announces plans for a third theme park.. (It's only a matter of time when they realize they can't keep on raising the prices to fight the crowds.) What kind of theme park would you want them to build? Whether it be an existing Disney theme park or whatever. Personally, I...
  11. ZachTWB

    Disneyland meet up?

    I know a thread like this has been made before, but I was wondering if anyone on the forums will be in the park September 2nd through the 5th. It'd be cool if we could have a small meet up.
  12. ZachTWB

    Let's make Main Street popular again.

    I have an idea. On September 1st 8 PM PST (Or a different time, I'm open to suggestions) we should all hang out on Main Street. I have no idea if this is going to work out but I'm willing to try it and see what happens. We could even make it a regular thing.. maybe on Friday nights. Thoughts?
  13. ZachTWB

    Idea: Diamond ears.

    We should have diamond Mickey ears when Disneyland celebrates their 60th anniversary. Thoughts? (If someone else had this idea already I am not trying to copy... I truly did not know.)
  14. ZachTWB

    Problems logging in

    It won't even let me get to the VMK loading sign. It just says "You have been disconnected from MyVMK." and sends me to the website. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a simple fix? My shockwave is up-to-date and I tried restarting the computer and even clearing the cache.
  15. ZachTWB


    I feel so bare without a signature so would anyone mind making a signature for me? I really want something related to Disneyland park (California) with the words "Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy."
  16. ZachTWB

    Issue logging in

    Everytime I try to log in it just takes me to a white screen that says "You have been disconnected from MyVMK." Is anyone else having this issue or is it just me?
  17. ZachTWB

    Had to create new character?

    When I tried to log into my existing account it took me to the "Create your character" page where new players go. I tried logging out and logging back in but it took me to the same page. If I haven't used my account for a while will it wipe my character from the game files? I'm confused.
  18. ZachTWB


    Hey people! I'm Zach (or you can just call me livingthesweet) Decided to switch over to here because I feel like OVMK is not being completely transparent (If transparent at all.) with their users. Can't wait to see this game open! :)