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  1. S

    golden key

    What is it worth now?
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    Keys need to be more common

    It just seems like keys and crates are like tf2 if you guys have ever played it a HUGE number of crates and small numbers of keys or gw2 is a worse offender
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    You know you're from ______ when:

    i just google you know you are from ohio when :P
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    You know you're from ______ when:

    You know you're from Ohio if... 1.You don't think of Florida first when someone mentions Miami. True 2. Schools close for the state basketball tournament. Deer season, too. Public does I think 3. You're proud of your state fair, but would rather go to Cedar Point. True 4. You know all...
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    Tester Applications Now Open

    I'm applying, I hope I can get in I love to test and break things at the same time. :P Hopefully it can help me become more experienced in the QA field.
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    Rewarding Roomowners

    There is nothing stating I have to have anything in the room to make money, I can make the title say anything if someone comes in even for 1 second free credits
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    Rewarding Roomowners

    It will even if its a small amount bringing credits into existence without a credit sink is bad
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    Rewarding Roomowners

    Here is another problem I see adding credits in the game that didnt exist before is bad that leads to mass inflation
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    Rewarding Roomowners

    Ok man I found a way this can be easily abused as you stated it. I get 10-20 people together and we each visit the others rooms 1 by 1 free credits for all. There is no work needed there and it takes 5 minutes With my idea you can't do that because you have to pay credits for others to get...
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    Taxable turnslide

    That is exactly what I was saying except you worded it much better :P
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    Official Suggestions Thread!

    Probably has already been asked but A bigger chat dictionary the current one is way too restrictive
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    Rewarding Roomowners

    Yes in fact they would
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    Rewarding Roomowners

    But anyone can make as many emails as they want
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    Taxable turnslide

    The original vmk almost had it in the game and I think we need it in here. The idea is to enter the room you must pay a fee to get in this is if you had some awesome room or like a ride You could set the amount to whatever you wanted it allows people to decide if they wanna go in or not...
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    Chat log

    or maybe like some other games with a chat log in the corner with a scroll bar
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    cant play game on google chromebook

    have u tried installing the adobe player slim thing for normal chrome or does it not work (doesnt have a chromebook so I dont know)