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  1. endversecas

    (guardians of the galaxy) baby groot dancing

    i was waiting for this video to come out. :)
  2. endversecas

    does anyone here read/write fanfiction?

    if so what fandoms are you in? i write supernatural fanfiction but i have written for merlin, pirates of the caribbean, and iron man. i only really read spn.
  3. endversecas

    Hey guys. :)

    I'm Natalie. I used to play way back when. I think my username was lilmisspixiefan. Now I'm galaxycas. I'm obsessed with Supernatural (if you couldn't tell) so if anyone else here likes it come fangirl about it with me. <3
  4. endversecas

    Sword in the Stone pin questions (answered)

    I was just wondering if the SitS single use pin is worth anything in a trade. Also, what does combining that pin with others do? Thanks. :) Grrr also I can't figure out how to use the pin. I tried standing in front of the stone and clicking on myself and then the pin but that's not doing anything.