
  1. Tety


    Mostly looking for blue ones but I'm interested in others as well. Pm me your price!
  2. Danny_DeVito

    please delete

    I posted this in a place that needed approval but then someone else made a very similar post with the same point in a different category afterwards and everything was resolved lol :DevilBanana:please delete :DevilBanana:
  3. Danny_DeVito

    Valentine SITS pins

    How many are there, what do they look like, and most importantly, how much do they go for? (I'm still salty I've pulled 55 times and counting and still haven't gotten a single one)
  4. Danny_DeVito

    43 valentines SITS used?

    So I've used 43 SITS just now for sure and no Valentine SITS pin. What am I Supposed to be doing? I hope after all of these pulls, its after ONE pin because if not.. WHAT AM I WORKING FOR? Shooting in the dark fam, help me out