Continue the Story!

And then Harry shouted a spell that blew up the whole world and darkness was everywhere -
Voldemort appeared and started dancing.
Alex said:
Voldemort appeared and started dancing.
Howver, the dancing was cheap, and unrefined, so Jake and Haley from the VMK homepage popped up and showed him how to dance properly. They also offered full Kali for the Elder Wand, an offer which Voldemort....
refused with an obligatory spell that changed the weather. This enraged the digimon and they left back to the digital world with their digivices.


eyerolling is my cardio.
It started to rain uncontrollably hard. Voldemort got caught in the storm & started screaming "I'm MELLLTING. I'm MELLLTING."
Then Snorlax pulled Jude from out of his armpit, and said to him Snorlax! putting him down, and Jude stared at these looking fine creatures!
Voldemort pointed his wand a jude and shouted AVADA KEDAVRA, and Jude was still. :( Then he pointed it at snorlax....

Harry then rushed to Jude Aid, and yelled at Voldermort HOW DARE YOU HURT A POOR SKATER GUY!, and then accidently zapped him with a magic spell!
Jude said:
Harry then rushed to Jude Aid, and yelled at Voldermort HOW DARE YOU HURT A POOR SKATER GUY!, and then accidently zapped him with a magic spell!
But Jude was gone. x_x Harry then decided to go for a casual walk.
Harry turned around, and said, "Voldemort!"
Voldemort starts to fly!