How do you get your sleep schedule back on track?(solution found)


Well-Known Member
I've been falling asleep at 7 or 8 in the morning and waking up at 4 in the afternoon or so and it's a very bad habit I have at the moment.
I tried making myself wake up early with seven alarms but I either sleep through them or I just turn them off asap lol.. last night I tried falling asleep early but I went in that weird mode of being asleep but not really.:cloud9:

I'm curious as how do you get your sleep schedule back on track? :sleep:


Well-Known Member
I used to have to pull an all nighter (or two) to try and get myself to fall asleep out of sheer exhaustion. I'm on a much better sleep schedule now since I've been waking up consistently at 7 or 8 am for work, or 9/10 if I don't have to be in until later. Try and take a few Benadryl to help fall asleep - I know it's a bad habit (I'm very reliant on it - used to need upwards of 4+ tablets to fall asleep and was at one point where 10 tabs couldn't help me fall asleep, so be careful!) Now I'm down to 2 a night and have even fallen asleep without it a few times) so don't overuse it, but see if it helps the first few nights. I'd say it took me about 1-2 weeks or so to get on a regular sleep schedule. Just keep setting your alarm and forcing yourself out of bed at 9 or 10am until it becomes habit.


Well-Known Member
I wish I was active this Summer lol that would help me for sure.
I know 100% when I'm out and about all day I fall asleep so quickly once I get home.


Well-Known Member
Coffee is your best friend. Could you try pulling an all-nighter and staying up the rest of that day (keep yourself busy that day so you are less tempted to nap)? One of the things that has helped me to stay to a reasonable sleep schedule is to minimize as much blue light as possible a few hours before going to bed -I use a program called f.lux that causes my laptop to emit more yellow (instead of blue) light after sunset. The switch from blue to yellow light has become a really good "it's time to put your laptop away and start calming down for bed" reminder.

The next few weeks are going to stink for me. My sister and I will both be waking up at 5:45AM for school (Most of my classes start at 9AM, but I leave early so I can avoid rush hour), but my sister's current sleep schedule has her going to bed at 4AM and waking up at noon. I'm scared to see how witchy she is going to be those first few weeks of school.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I try to never get out of a normal sleep schedule. This includes times when I woke up at 1 PM on a weekend. I'll still try and get in bed by midnight, and be asleep by 1-2 AM at the latest.

One thing that may help is placing your alarm (as long as it's loud) somewhere you can't reach from your bed. I know I've put mine on a table across my room before. This forces you to get up, or otherwise listen to the annoyance for like, minutes until it turns off. Another alarm suggestion is to take a sound that reminds you of something that would jolt you or make you do a double take. For me, this is the marching cadence for the ROTC at my college (considering we have to wake up early every morning there, I hear it and think "oh. time to get up or you'll get yelled at"). Now since not everyone's in ROTC, this could be anything. It could be a siren, a fire truck, a loud horn. Basically, just pick your alarm sounds wisely. I know most phones can do it, and some alarm clocks nowaday let you pick your alarm sound.

Lastly, once you're back in a day/night sleep schedule, try to keep it. If you find yourself staying up until 4-5 AM, set a timer on your computer that will kick you off at 1 AM. Once you get used to it it'll become habit to get off by midnight to 1. Trust me, you probably won't miss much, even if your friends all have the luxury of not needing a sleep schedule. You'll find that there's so many benefits to a normal sleep schedule, like right now it's 9:00 AM, I'm awake, and I hear birds outside. It's so peaceful and quiet in the mornings, and it's something a lot of people miss up on if they're either tired from staying up all night, or asleep.

(more lastly oops) Lastly lastly, that "sleep but not really" state? That's important to help you fall asleep. When you're in that state your body is resting, it's just your mind's too active to fall asleep yet. If that happens, I know it's cliche, but count sheep in your head. Imagine them in a meadow just being herded and count them one by one in a linear fashion, paying attention to the green grass, etc. That helps me get from that "half asleep" to fully asleep state.


Well-Known Member
I'm seriously the worst.. okay so on Friday I woke up at 5am and I was out doing stuff till 5pm so I thought it'd be perfect to get my sleep schedule back on track that day. Weeell I got home and I was on my computer for a bit and right around 9pm I fell asleep. I ended up waking up a while later though(at 10pm I think) and was like, "woah"
I stayed up till 1AM and feel asleep. I woke up today at 6AM which wasn't bad I thought, I was awake till about 11am and I thought, "My sleep schedule is going to be back on track!!!" until someone started making pancakes.. now I love pancakes but I had been sick from something I ate the previous day so once the smell of pancakes hit I felt terrible so I put my blanket over my head to block out the smell for a while and I ended up falling asleep.. oops.
Want to know what time I woke up after that? 7:25PM... I couldn't believe it. I kept checking my phone and other clocks to make sure I really didn't just do that but I did.

If I thought my sleep schedule was bad before I think it could get a whole lot worse now. :squee:


Well-Known Member
I used to stay up, then I discovered melatonin I use it for 2-3 nights then I'm back on track!

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I'll remember that, I finally got back on track lol.. I literally slept the whole day one Saturday(aka the day I made that one post above yours lol) and it put my sleep schedule back on track so I guess that's one way to do it haha!
lol I ended up getting it back on a somewhat normal track.
I literally slept through a whole day and that fixed it.. so that was one solution.
yeah that definitely helps too! ill usually purposely wake up really early this way im tired earlier and can go to bed at a normal time, as opposed to waking up late and going to bed late as a result!