How much are Items Worth?


Well-Known Member
I have a few people interested in my marvel crates and plushies. I need help though deciding on the price I want for them. I am terrible and I dont want to get ripped off. How much are OPENED crates, UNOPENED crates, and plushies worth? Mostly the common plushies, but also rare and uncommon. Please help me!


Well-Known Member
Opened crates are prob worth nothing... just sell them for 25c. Unopened crates were selling for 100c each during marvel, but in past events like these they've sold for 1k ea (I think the fact that so many dropped at once lowered the value). You may have problems selling unopened crates after the hype is over. People often give away the common items from these events for free or for very cheap because most people have an excess.

As for the rare plushies, I am not sure about their values. The items that sell for a lot tend to be rare clothes and pins. Good luck and I hope this helped!