Inner Conflict

Pieces are scattered, like a broken memory,

All along the beach.

I can't recall when they were whole, happy.

All I can see are the splinters of pain they left,

Twining with the granules of sand.

As I skirt alongside the water,

It hurts, and I don't know why.

I look into the endless sea of darkness and wonder.

How easy?

It seems so simple and inviting, the waves upon the shore.

They're beckoning me to their darkened depths.

Is that what I want?

To just fade into the eternal abyss?

I often find myself believing it is.

The only comfort I have is in assurance of its familiarity.

Softly, the blackened water nips at my feet.

I'm mesmerized.

Warmth is sinking into my body.

This is the most alive I have felt in several years.

As the darkness licks my fingertips, all thought has left me.

I am consumed by the demons along the shore.

After all,

They are the only comfort I've had.

An old, nostalgic friend.