Loss of items

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Well-Known Member
Have you contacted an administrator about this?
I have been in contact with a few admins who all said I need to talk to Amy. I have been in contact with Amy a few times, once a few days after telling me it was a mistake and will be fixed but its low priority (this was 2 1/2 weeks ago) and since then mostly been ignored (I haven't wanted to sent 100 messages). So I guess this is my last resort.


Well-Known Member
If you have placed them in your room go to (i) and select 'clear all' that should do it. :D if not PM kevin


Well-Known Member
I lost some items too but I could care less; they were buyables so it didn't bother me too much. If I were you, put stuff in a storage room!
It wasn't a few items, it was my whole inventory. All my clothes, furni, pins, rooms I had made, everything.

If you have placed them in your room go to (i) and select 'clear all' that should do it. :D if not PM kevin
Its not so much a bug, the staff rolled back my inventory. It was intended to be a rollback of 12 hours but they rolled it back completely by accident and only Amy can fix it. It's been 3 weeks though, so I'm just gonna keep this active and hope it gets resolved.


Well-Known Member
This same thing happened to Shrimp, and she said the any still hasn't got her firewalls back. Hopefully you will get your stuff back. GL

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Wow, I can't believe you still don't have your stuff back.
You've been extremely patient.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried emailing one of the staff members directly?
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