New mods


Smile and the world smiles with you
With the way some players behave it does not matter how fair a mod you could be. Some are always going to cause you grief and post stuff about you on outside sights. Then they can cause you grief in the game. I can totally understand why go by a name that no one knows you. Heck I would never be a mod on shout box because of the trouble makers. They amount of disgusting stuff I have seen on off board sites is awful and mean. People respect me but I know if I ever did become a mod I would be a target as well. So I totally understand the need to keep them separate. It is beyond sad how many can not treat others with respect.

There are a lot of things I do not like or do not agree with in this game. However, I will not be posting malicious pictures and crude comments of other sites. People have feelings. I do understand the frustration. However, this is a free game and staff volunteer. Also a lot of the staff are very young. I am sure there is a big learning curve. My hope is that they continue to learn from mistakes made.

Having only one coder makes things getting done really hard. I can see why Amy chose to not trust anyone after the disaster of OVMK. My hope is that she finds a friend she can trust to help take some of the stress off her. Until that time we have to accept what ever will be will be. Nothing we can do to change anything.

Just remember when posting your frustrations are you attacking the the person or expressing disappointment in a pixel. There is a big difference. When you make fun of an item and say it is ugly or call it names. You are actually putting down a piece of artwork. That art work was done by a real person.

It is ok to not like an item. By saying I really wish it was more shiny. I wish the texture was more .... Not really my taste. This is much more sensitive. How would you feel if you put a piece of art work on the forums and people wrote it is ugly, made funny names about it. You would be crushed. How people respond to items in the game or look of things is the same way.

I was lucky because I had good older friends who taught me how to respond in a positive way to something I did not like. Bottom line. Put yourself in their shoes. Then decided what you would like to hear. It can still be honest it does not have to be false. Just be sensitive to others feelings. Most of all appreciate the effort.

If we all treated others with respect then shout box would still be here.


Well-Known Member
I will welcome the mods with open arms. :) It will be nice to have new moderators around to make sure nothing get out of hand!
Hi everyone,
I'm going to address some concerns addressed here, hopefully to not only ease your mind but to give you a different perspective on the new moderation we have hired. These moderators are NOT, I repeat, NOT, the shoutbox moderators. Amy and I have seen no need to be untruthful with you all and see no reason for that to change. The Shoutbox moderators had their jobs and if the shoutbox makes a return in the future, many things will be worked on and addressed. The reason we wanted the moderators to be anonymous is because of the fact the moderators that have their main account known in game, I have watched first hand as they got harassed due to action taken on the forums. (I was literally in the room when a player searched the kingdom for a forum mod..). We want you to base your opinions off of their actions as moderators, not who they are in game. I completely agree with the notion that respect is earned so if you give them a chance, allow them to do so. They will treat you all with the utmost respect and hopefully that is reciprocated by the community.
