Photography Portfolio (and stuff)


Well-Known Member
I recently submitted my AP studio art/photography portfolio and just thought I'd share it with y'all. I've looked at some of the images so long I literally do not want anything to do with them anymore, haha.
I love photography, and all mediums of it. I work with digital mostly, but love traditional film and develop regular black and white photos in my school's darkroom whenever I can.

I enjoyed seeing everyone else's work in this sub form and thought I'd contribute!
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated (:

Concentration- The idea behind my concentration for my portfolio was to take images and project them onto a subject.

Breadth- I listed what principal or element of design I submitted each picture as in my portfolio in the descriptor.

This photo, 'Gas Station' somehow won second in my congressional art competition.

The rest of my stream is here if you're interested:

Thanks for looking! (:
It looks amazing on college applications/resumes if you do decide to enter.
Even if you just get in the show and don't place it looks good.
Yup (: I plan on entering next year. I just didn't have the time to get my picture framed (my dumb district wants it framed).
Crying because you are incredible and I will never be this talented.


Well-Known Member
Crying because you are incredible and I will never be this talented.
Oh please, your pictures are stunning. YOU LIVE UP TO YOUR NAME! I can seriously only hope to one day be as talented and polished as you are

Very nice work Cat !!! Keep it up!
you are crazy talented omg
these are GORGEOUS. with that much talent there is no doubt you are going to go really far with photography
It's pretty cool you have this kind of talent. Stick to it :)
you are absolutely amazing at photography :o
These.. are.. amazing.
I'm so jealous :o
Ahhh thank you guys, you're all so sweet and encouraging (':
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