Ready to play myvmk...again!

Hey everyone, I'm Rae, in-game I'm known as rachy. I used to play the original VMK until it closed down. Then a few years later I began to play myvmk, but fell out of it. I just recently felt the urge to start playing again!
I am a little rusty but I'm ready to make some new friends! Is there a specific time that people are specifically on or places where everyone typically hangs out?
Welcome back Rae! The evenings are usually the most popular time for people to be on. Especially if there is an event. Most hang out in Fantasyland Courtyard or the Pirate's game lobby.
Welcome Back, Rae! So glad to see more members returning to the game. It's definitely more busy at nights. You'll catch most of us either in a trade/auction room or playing a round of pirates. Hope to catch you around the Kingdom. Feel free to say hi! :wave: