survey II


eyerolling is my cardio.
if your bored, have fun....

w/o answers::
1. Do you like chinese food?
2. How big is your bed?
3. Is your room clean?
4. Laptop or Desktop computer?
5. Favorite comedian?
6. Do you like Apple products?
7. Does anyone like you?
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)?
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer?
11. How many pillows do you sleep with?
12. Do long distance relationships work?
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police?
14. Pancakes or French Toast?
15. Do you like coffee?
16. Do you eat breakfast?
17. Do you believe in love at first sight?
18. Last person you talked to on the phone?
19. Last person on your missed call list?
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say?
21. McDonalds or Burger King?
22. Number of face book friends?
23. Last thing you ate?
24. Last thing you bought?
25. What are you hearing right now?
26. A song that describes you right now?
27. What kind of ice cream do you like?
28. Do you play video games?
29. Do you know how to swim?
30. Favorite food?
31. Do you like naps?
32. What song is stuck in your head?
33. What's the best thing that happened today?
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World?
35. Can you do a handstand?
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself?
37. What is your favorite season?
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood?
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now:
40. Your favorite celebrity:
41. What do you enjoy doing most?
42. Missing anyone right now?
43. How long have you known them?
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid?
45. What time did you wake up this morning?
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up?
47. Best thing about winter?
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors:
49. Do you listen to country music?
50. What month is your birthday in?
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated?
52. Favorite place to shop?
53. What are you doing this weekend?
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now?
55. Do you have a crush on someone?
56. How many kids do you want to have?
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family?
58. Would you ever change your name?
59. What did you do for your last birthday?
60. Name something you can't stand?
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?
62. What is your favorite month?
63. Least favorite month?
64. Are you in a relationship?
65. Most visited webpage/app?
66. Coke or Pepsi products?
67. Favorite Disney princess?
68. Favorite Disney prince?
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time:
70. Do you play VMK?
my answers::
1. Do you like chinese food? - yum, yes.
2. How big is your bed? - queen sized.
3. Is your room clean? - nooo.
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? - laptop
5. Favorite comedian? - steve carell is hilarrr
6. Do you like Apple products? - of course!
7. Does anyone like you? - probably...everyone likes me. lol :3
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? - jokes around & cares about your little likes/quirks
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? - just from the drawer
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? - three
12. Do long distance relationships work? - not usually, it can, but its probably too difficult if its a serious one.
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? - only once.
14. Pancakes or French Toast? - mmm french toast.
15. Do you like coffee? - nooo.
16. Do you eat breakfast? - not usually, unless i get up early.
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? - i doo :3
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? - a manager from JCPenney
19. Last person on your missed call list? - none.
20. What did the last text message you received say? - "Impressive! Could not be able to do that ill just go crazy. How do you do it?" ((hahaha))
21. McDonalds or Burger King? - idkk!! BK food is pretty amaze tho...
22. Number of face book friends? - 112
23. Last thing you ate? - spaghetti
24. Last thing you bought? - clothes
25. What are you hearing right now? - christmas music lol
26. A song that describes you right now? - probably...catching stars. it kind of relates to what i'm going through right now
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? - anyy, but strawberry is my fav.
28. Do you play video games? - of course.
29. Do you know how to swim? - yeeepp
30. Favorite food? - pizza, pasta, & almost anything deep fried ((almost anything))
31. Do you like naps? - noo
32. What song is stuck in your head? - Do What You Want With My Body :: Lady Gaga
33. What's the best thing that happened today? - getting off of work! lol
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? - yep! i want to go back so bad.
35. Can you do a handstand? - yeeeep
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? - i don't think so....
37. What is your favorite season? - winter
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? - sock em boppers, lisa frank, barbies, polly pockets, legos...
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: - "THAT Hansel guy is HOT right now." - Zoolander :: Will Ferrell
40. Your favorite celebrity: - Johnny Depp
41. What do you enjoy doing most? - hanging out with friends & family.
42. Missing anyone right now? - nahhh
43. How long have you known them? - nahhh
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? - today.
45. What time did you wake up this morning? - 9 a.m
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? - usually, yes.
47. Best thing about winter? - christmas, blankets, warm drinks & family
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: black, pink & purple
49. Do you listen to country music? - noooooo.
50. What month is your birthday in? - decemeber
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? - cool mann, only in the movies tho.
52. Favorite place to shop? - JCPenney, Forever21, Disney Store
53. What are you doing this weekend? - working );
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? - family force 5 is on it, & its all purple/blue
55. Do you have a crush on someone? - not really? maybe? no? idk... its weird.
56. How many kids do you want to have? - maybe 1 for a while, then we'll see...
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? - i do, with some.
58. Would you ever change your name? - no, i like my name.
59. What did you do for your last birthday? - went shopping & played arcade games
60. Name something you can't stand? - people who think they know it all & are super rude
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? - my job...& do what i really love
62. What is your favorite month? - december because its my bday lol
63. Least favorite month? - january, its so borrrring
64. Are you in a relationship? - no...
65. Most visited webpage/app? - facebook/twitter/insta/candy crush
66. Coke or Pepsi products? - cokee
67. Favorite Disney princess? - Belle
68. Favorite Disney prince? - the Beast
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: Beauty and the Beast
70. Do you play VMK? - no it won't work for me ):
1. Do you like chinese food? yes
2. How big is your bed? twin
3. Is your room clean? not at all
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? laptop
5. Favorite comedian? jim carrey
6. Do you like Apple products? yea
7. Does anyone like you? my friends and family do
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? uhh..
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? i wear pj pants and a random shirt
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
12. Do long distance relationships work? idk
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? none
14. Pancakes or French Toast? pancakes
15. Do you like coffee? NOOOOO :sick:
16. Do you eat breakfast? yes but I usually sleep in too late to eat breakfast though :p
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? my friend
19. Last person on your missed call list? random number
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? idk
21. McDonalds or Burger King? niether! :sick:
22. Number of face book friends? i have no idea
23. Last thing you ate? bean soup
24. Last thing you bought? pirate mickey mouse ears
25. What are you hearing right now? nothing
26. A song that describes you right now? idk
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? mint chocolate chip
28. Do you play video games? YEEAAA
29. Do you know how to swim? yupp
30. Favorite food? pesto pasta
31. Do you like naps? yea
32. What song is stuck in your head? none
33. What's the best thing that happened today? played vmk
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? yes
35. Can you do a handstand? nope
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? yea :p
37. What is your favorite season? summer!
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? a gray stuffed cat
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: "Every living creature dies alone" -Donnie Darko
40. Your favorite celebrity: Kristen Stewart :p <3
41. What do you enjoy doing most? playing video games
42. Missing anyone right now? yea
43. How long have you known them? 13 years
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? idk
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 12:30ish in the afternoon
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? nope
47. Best thing about winter? christmas i guess
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: lime green & black
49. Do you listen to country music? not really
50. What month is your birthday in? november
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? they're hecka awesome!
52. Favorite place to shop? thrift stores
53. What are you doing this weekend? gonna play vmk lol
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? tye dye
55. Do you have a crush on someone? no
56. How many kids do you want to have? none
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? i guess yea
58. Would you ever change your name? nah
59. What did you do for your last birthday? goto my grandmas house
60. Name something you can't stand? people who kill and eat animals
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? i wish i could be happy
62. What is your favorite month? october bc halloween, duh :p
63. Least favorite month? january i guess
64. Are you in a relationship? noo
65. Most visited webpage/app? :p
66. Coke or Pepsi products? coke i guess
67. Favorite Disney princess? ariel
68. Favorite Disney prince? idk
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: aristocats
70. Do you play VMK? DUH :)


Well-Known Member
1. Do you like chinese food? Yep. Sometimes it doesn't like me, though.
2. How big is your bed? It's a queen, I think?
3. Is your room clean? It is now, Monday is cleaning day.
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? Crappy laptop.
5. Favorite comedian? Not sure :/
6. Do you like Apple products? They're alright. I've had more issues with my i-pod than anything, but it's nice when it works.
7. Does anyone like you? I'd hope so.
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? Dunno, there's a lot of things, haha
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? I'm very mixed in my PJ choices. Sometimes it's just anything from the drawer, sometimes it's specific sets, sometimes I just give up on them all together.
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? One, sometimes two.
12. Do long distance relationships work? Depends on the couple, sometimes, sometimes not.
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? Personally I never have.
14. Pancakes or French Toast? Both are delightful
15. Do you like coffee? Sometimes, depends on the coffee.
16. Do you eat breakfast? Most days - I wake up at 9PM or later so sometimes it's not in the cards.
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in lust at first sight, not love necessarily.
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? Capitol One customer service line -_-
19. Last person on your missed call list? I cleared my call history, so I'm not sure
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? "Ok"
21. McDonalds or Burger King? Neither, not a fan of fast food
22. Number of face book friends? 200 or something? Too lazy to look :P
23. Last thing you ate? Omelet and orange juice
24. Last thing you bought? Groceries
25. What are you hearing right now? The sound of myself typing, the loud fan on my laptop, and Pony covered by Fleet Foxes
26. A song that describes you right now? Hmmm, goodness, I can't think of one
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? Most kinds. Super big fan of cookie dough, though
28. Do you play video games? Yep
29. Do you know how to swim? Nope :/
30. Favorite food? Pizza is up there. Depends a lot on my mood, though
31. Do you like naps? They're pretty great
32. What song is stuck in your head? By Torpedo or Crohn's by WHY?
33. What's the best thing that happened today? I don't think mods would appreciate me posting that.
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? Yep, and it was fabulous
35. Can you do a handstand? Not a chance
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? More times than I'd like to admit
37. What is your favorite season? Fall/Winter
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? Most of my childhood toys are still sitting in boxes at my parents house... so I recall most of them, haha
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: Can't think of one off the top of my head right now, honestly
40. Your favorite celebrity: Matthew Gray Gubler
41. What do you enjoy doing most? Relaxing
42. Missing anyone right now? A few good friends in other states/countries, yep
43. How long have you known them? 10+ years
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? A few minutes ago
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 8:45 pm
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? Nopee
47. Best thing about winter? Christmas lights, overcast/chilly weather, hopefully snow
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: Blue, green, purple
49. Do you listen to country music? Nope. No. Nooo.
50. What month is your birthday in? April
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? I was named after a pirate... they're aight.
52. Favorite place to shop? Online/cheap second hand shops
53. What are you doing this weekend? Working, relaxing, hopefully some Christmas shopping
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? Light purple v-neck
55. Do you have a crush on someone? Yeep
56. How many kids do you want to have? None, thanks
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? It's decent, I suppose
58. Would you ever change your name? Maybe. Thought about it, kinda used to my own, though
59. What did you do for your last birthday? Walked around the airport, got Mongolian food, drove around listening to music, just kinda relaxed
60. Name something you can't stand? Oh god don't get me started
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? Living situation/financial situation
62. What is your favorite month? December
63. Least favorite month? Most summer months, February/March/May
64. Are you in a relationship? Sorta kinda
65. Most visited webpage/app? Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, MyVMK Forums
66. Coke or Pepsi products? Depends on my mood
67. Favorite Disney princess? Ain't got one
68. Favorite Disney prince? Nope, don't have one
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: Toy Story
70. Do you play VMK? Of course yo


Well-Known Member
1. Do you like Chinese food? -- Yes!
2. How big is your bed? -- Double
3. Is your room clean? -- not really
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? -- Both
5. Favorite comedian? -- Ellen DeGeneres
6. Do you like Apple products? -- Don't know, don't own any.
7. Does anyone like you? -- Sure hope so.
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? -- Sweet smile with kind eyes.
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? -- Anything from the drawer.
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? -- One.
12. Do long distance relationships work? -- Yes, if the parties involved are committed to each other.
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? -- Not sure, have not been pulled over in years.
14. Pancakes or French Toast? -- Both
15. Do you like coffee? -- No
16. Do you eat breakfast? -- Sometimes
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? --YES!
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? -- My Cousin
19. Last person on your missed call list? -- no idea
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? -- None, I don't do text.
21. McDonalds or Burger King? -- both
22. Number of face book friends? -- 306
23. Last thing you ate? -- Chicken Fried Rice
24. Last thing you bought? -- Chinese food take out
25. What are you hearing right now? --MyVMK Emporium sounds
26. A song that describes you right now? -- not sure
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? -- Vanilla
28. Do you play video games? -- Yes
29. Do you know how to swim? -- Yes
30. Favorite food? -- Anything tasty and simple to make
31. Do you like naps? -- Definitely
32. What song is stuck in your head? -- I am stuck on band-aid brand cuz band-aid's stuck on me. (thanks a lot, you had to ask, huh)
33. What's the best thing that happened today? -- too early to tell
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? -- Only Disneyland in California
35. Can you do a handstand? -- Not any more
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? -- No
37. What is your favorite season? -- Fall or Spring
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? -- BOTW Johnny West toys by Marx Jay and Pancho
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now:"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. "
40. Your favorite celebrity:Mary Tyler Moore
41. What do you enjoy doing most? -- Playing World or Warcraft or VMK.
42. Missing anyone right now? -- Mom and Aunt
43. How long have you known them? -- All my life
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? -- 2 days ago
45. What time did you wake up this morning? -- 5:30 am
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? -- no
47. Best thing about winter? -- First snowfall
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: -- Purple, and all the colours arranged in a rainbow
49. Do you listen to country music? -- not really
50. What month is your birthday in? -- December
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? -- Cool, of course
52. Favorite place to shop? -- Sobey's
53. What are you doing this weekend? - Nothing planned
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? - Cream, with a "Johnnycon" Logo (Marx BOTW toys)
55. Do you have a crush on someone? -- No
56. How many kids do you want to have? -- None
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? -- Some No, Some yes
58. Would you ever change your name? -- No
59. What did you do for your last birthday? -- Dinner and a movie
60. Name something you can't stand? -- Ignorance
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? -- I would be healthy
62. What is your favorite month? -- December
63. Least favorite month? -- August (too hot)
64. Are you in a relationship? -- Yes
65. Most visited webpage/app? -- Currently ==
66. Coke or Pepsi products? -- Coke all the way!
67. Favorite Disney princess? -- Pocahontas
68. Favorite Disney prince? -- None
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: -- Too many to choose from
70. Do you play VMK? -- Yes of course, old and new.
1. Do you like chinese food? - oriental food is my favorite kind of food.
2. How big is your bed? - full sized.
3. Is your room clean? - semi-clean.. depends.
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? - i like both. i mostly use my laptop though rather than desktop.
5. Favorite comedian? - that one guy with those puppets, lollll.
6. Do you like Apple products? - yes. their phones and tablets. i'm a pc girl.
7. Does anyone like you? - i'm pretty sure no one has a problem with me.. i'd hope. but not everyone u_u"
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? - a sense of humor and awkwardness when trying to be romantic, lol.
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? - a set.. like a grey tank and plaid pants.
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? - two, well.. three.. one's in the crack of my bed.
12. Do long distance relationships work? - it could depending on the people, i never would personally.
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? - none!
14. Pancakes or French Toast? - french toast, definitely. unf.
15. Do you like coffee? - starbucks, yes. it hurts my tummy though.
16. Do you eat breakfast? - only if i'm awake during those hours, otherwise it's brunch.
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? - no, i believe in attraction at first sight. :~)
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? - my ex's best friend.. operation x, trying to win him back.
19. Last person on your missed call list? - my mom.
20. What did the last text message you received say? - "Call" lol.
21. McDonalds or Burger King? - ugh, i love mcdonald's. that hi-c orange though.
22. Number of face book friends? - 2,658.
23. Last thing you ate? - a brownie.
24. Last thing you bought? - kawaii kitten clip on ears.
25. What are you hearing right now? - nothing at allll.
26. A song that describes you right now? - uh.. not sure. any song that describes wanting an ex back/being in love/wanting love back.
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? - mint chocolate chip, cookie dough, uhhhh, yeah, pistachio, anything really.
28. Do you play video games? - def.
29. Do you know how to swim? - sorta.. long story.
30. Favorite food? - anything practically, lol.
31. Do you like naps? - yes.
32. What song is stuck in your head? - an animal crossing song.. o.o"
33. What's the best thing that happened today? - nothing much actually. ordinary day.
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? - nope, i want to though.
35. Can you do a handstand? - kindaaaa.
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? - yes, i could, i mean.
37. What is your favorite season? - winter.
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? - barbies, polly pockets, legos, bratz, animal figures/playsets, lol.
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: - i can't think of anything right now.
40. Your favorite celebrity: - i don't really have a favorite .-.
41. What do you enjoy doing most? - hanging out with certain people, sleeping.
42. Missing anyone right now? - ********, yesssssssssssssss.
43. How long have you known them? - over 2 years.
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? - tonight.
45. What time did you wake up this morning? - 11something.
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? - not right now i don't unless i have to be somewhere early.
47. Best thing about winter? - cuddling, fires, snow, christmas, the perks of living in washington. :~)
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: black and purple.
49. Do you listen to country music? - nope.
50. What month is your birthday in? - june.
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? - overrated nowadays.
52. Favorite place to shop? - Forever21.
53. What are you doing this weekend? - staying at my nana's, hanging with friends.
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? - it's grey. typical tank.
55. Do you have a crush on someone? - used to be a crush, i'd call it unrequited love now, used to be mutually in love.
56. How many kids do you want to have? - maybe 1.
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? - ehhhhh.
58. Would you ever change your name? - nah.
59. What did you do for your last birthday? - i can't even remember. oh yeah. went to a fair, saw a movie, got ice cream with boyfriend.. then got dumped.
60. Name something you can't stand? - eh.
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? - 90 of things. not just one.
62. What is your favorite month? - uhhhhh. december.
63. Least favorite month? - january.
64. Are you in a relationship? - i wish i still was.. trying to get back in that one.
65. Most visited webpage/app? - youtube/facebook/vmk
66. Coke or Pepsi products? - idc.
67. Favorite Disney princess? - idkkkk.
68. Favorite Disney prince? - idk...
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: the fox and the hound.
70. Do you play VMK? - at night mostly :~)
1. Do you like chinese food? -ish.
2. How big is your bed? queen.
3. Is your room clean? spotess. <3
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? desktop.
5. Favorite comedian? hmm.. dave cook?
6. Do you like Apple products? of course.
7. Does anyone like you?
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? manners, manners, manners.
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? depends.
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? 4.
12. Do long distance relationships work? if both people are committed, anything is possible.
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? zero.
14. Pancakes or French Toast? french toast! <3
15. Do you like coffee? blehhhhhh.
16. Do you eat breakfast? yes.
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? that's lust.. which i think happens to everyone at some point.
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? il mio ragazzo. <3
19. Last person on your missed call list? steph.
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? "are you at lulu?"
21. McDonalds or Burger King? neither.
22. Number of face book friends? 800+, not quite sure.
23. Last thing you ate? thai curry noodles. <3
24. Last thing you bought? lulu headbands.
25. What are you hearing right now? shahs of sunset.
26. A song that describes you right now? all bad - justin bieber.
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? vanilla + caramel topping.
28. Do you play video games? duhhhhh!
29. Do you know how to swim? yep.
30. Favorite food? pizza
31. Do you like naps? can't live without 'em.
32. What song is stuck in your head? all bad- justin bieber
33. What's the best thing that happened today? shopping.
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? nope.
35. Can you do a handstand? yes.
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? .. everytime i eat pizza..
37. What is your favorite season? i love all the seasons. <3
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? barbie jeep cruiser <3
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: anything she's the man.
40. Your favorite celebrity: lilly ghalichi, lo bosworth, jessica alba
41. What do you enjoy doing most? cheerleading.
42. Missing anyone right now? people i shouldn't.
43. How long have you known them? a few years now.
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? earlier today.
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 8:45
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? i try, but i prefer my parents to lol
47. Best thing about winter? snuggling, northface jackets, christmas drinks
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: pink, gold, turquoise
49. Do you listen to country music? noooo.
50. What month is your birthday in? february
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? pirates are whatever.
52. Favorite place to shop? lululemon, brandy melville, zara.. anywhere.
53. What are you doing this weekend? not sure yet.
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? taupe.
55. Do you have a crush on someone? my boyf...?
56. How many kids do you want to have? 1 or 2.
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? eh.. it's complicated.
58. Would you ever change your name? no, but it gets mispronounced all the time.
59. What did you do for your last birthday? pf channnnnngs.
60. Name something you can't stand? unappreciative people.
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? where i live.
62. What is your favorite month? december
63. Least favorite month? june
64. Are you in a relationship? yes
65. Most visited webpage/app? webpage: youtube, app: snapchat or twitter
66. Coke or Pepsi products? pepsi
67. Favorite Disney princess? jasmine
68. Favorite Disney prince? aladdin
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: oooh, can't pick.
70. Do you play VMK? occasionally.


adventureland enthusiast
1. Do you like chinese food? Sure do.
2. How big is your bed? It's a queen.
3. Is your room clean? Clean enough.
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? A big ol' laptop.
5. Favorite comedian? I don't think I have one.
6. Do you like Apple products? Yeah, they're real nice.
7. Does anyone like you? I'm not sure.
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? Nothing that the same gender wouldn't do.
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? Usually just whatever I was wearing during the day, maybe with a pair of pajama pants.
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? A lot.
12. Do long distance relationships work? Sure, depending on the people involved.
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? Never.
14. Pancakes or French Toast? Pancakes, for sure.
15. Do you like coffee? Very, very much so.
16. Do you eat breakfast? Sometimes.
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? My pal Savann.
19. Last person on your missed call list? My dad-o.
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? "No he was sweet. He is an old Asian dude and said no no while putting his hand up and nodding his head"
21. McDonalds or Burger King? McDonald's, usually.
22. Number of face book friends? 484.
23. Last thing you ate? Oriental Top Ramen.
24. Last thing you bought? Some much-needed Taco Bell.
25. What are you hearing right now? Nothing but the sound of the keyboard.
26. A song that describes you right now? I am tired, I am weary...I could sleep for a thousand years...
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? Lots of kinds!
28. Do you play video games? No.
29. Do you know how to swim? Well enough to stay afloat.
30. Favorite food? BJ's parmesan crusted chicken with no broccoli, tomatoes, or basil, and extra lemon butter chardonnay sauce
31. Do you like naps? Not really, I always feel exhausted when I wake up.
32. What song is stuck in your head? Nothing right now, surprisingly.
33. What's the best thing that happened today? I got to hang out with my best pal, who would normally be two states away at college.
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? No )-:
35. Can you do a handstand? Nope.
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? I could never.
37. What is your favorite season? Fall!
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? Lots of them. Some particularly beloved ones were all my Neopets plushies.
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: Wow, I'm not sure, that is way too hard
40. Your favorite celebrity: Every member of Animal Collective
41. What do you enjoy doing most? Being physically close and affectionate with someone I have romantic feelings for
42. Missing anyone right now? Yep.
43. How long have you known them? Somewhere between 2 and 3 years.
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? Probably earlier today.
45. What time did you wake up this morning? Sometime within the hour of 9 AM.
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? My friends woke me up.
47. Best thing about winter? The Christmas lights and the coziness.
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: Electric blue, mint green...
49. Do you listen to country music? Not really.
50. What month is your birthday in? August.
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? Pirates are just fine.
52. Favorite place to shop? The internet, usually Etsy.
53. What are you doing this weekend? I have no idea!
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? It's purely black.
55. Do you have a crush on someone? You bet )-:
56. How many kids do you want to have? 0. Maybe one adopted one.
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? It's alright but not close.
58. Would you ever change your name? Sure thing.
59. What did you do for your last birthday? Spent time with my pals and went to the good ol' OLIVE GARDEN
60. Name something you can't stand? Transphobia
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? Too much to choose just one! I guess I would make myself less scared and anxious all the time so I could actually get my license and feel comfortable about seeking a job
62. What is your favorite month? I think October.
63. Least favorite month? Not sure, but January through April is a pretty miserable time..."April is the cruelest month"...
64. Are you in a relationship? No )-:<
65. Most visited webpage/app? Probably Tumblr.
66. Coke or Pepsi products? Both.
67. Favorite Disney princess? Tiana.
68. Favorite Disney prince? Aladdin or Flynn Rider.
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: THE LION KING
70. Do you play VMK? Of course.
1. Do you like chinese food? Yes<3
2. How big is your bed? Full size futon.
3. Is your room clean? Ish..
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? Laptop!
5. Favorite comedian? Idek... umm.. yeah idk.
6. Do you like Apple products? Not really but I have my ipod & I've spent money on apps for it so I'll probably end up with an Iphone eventually haha
7. Does anyone like you? Lately I've found out alot of people do surprisingly.
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? Hmm... When they look over at you and smile when you aren't looking.
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? meh.. it depends on how I feel that day?
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? wayyy to many.
12. Do long distance relationships work? I believe they can but both sides need to be committed.. unlike how mine was...
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? While I was driving - 0 While my parents were driving - 4 or 5
14. Pancakes or French Toast? French Toast<3
15. Do you like coffee? I like coffee that doesn't taste like coffee..
16. Do you eat breakfast? Only if I'm awake insanely early.
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes.
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? Umm.. Hunter was the last person I actually talked to... I've butt dialed and missed a few calls since though.
19. Last person on your missed call list? My brother.
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? "Kaity baby I miss you. I need a girls day.. Hangout this weekend?<3"
21. McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds cuz mocha frappe and fries.<3
22. Number of face book friends? 270
23. Last thing you ate? Fish Taco
24. Last thing you bought? Belly button rings & a pair of skinny jeans.
25. What are you hearing right now? Jason typing on skype, my mom talking on the phone, & the DJ on the radio talking.
26. A song that describes you right now? Meh.. Idk really.
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
28. Do you play video games? Yesss. :O
29. Do you know how to swim? yeah.
30. Favorite food? Does chocolate count?
31. Do you like naps? Yes.
32. What song is stuck in your head? Drunk - Ed Sheeran
33. What's the best thing that happened today? As I was leaving work today, the one little girl I was watching came up to me, gave me a hug and said "Happy early Thanksgiving Kaity. I'm thankful you're in my life" and it was quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever heard.<3
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? Yep!
35. Can you do a handstand? Yeah. I can walk on my hands too :b
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? Ugh sadly.
37. What is your favorite season? Spring.
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? Uhh.. Alot of legos... my stuffed green bunny who was named green bunny.. xD
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: Why is this survey so hard? omg. Idk..
40. Your favorite celebrity: Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran<3
41. What do you enjoy doing most? Idk.. dancing or drawing.
42. Missing anyone right now? A couple people..
43. How long have you known them? One of them died 4 years ago, I had known her my entire life & she was like my second mother. Unfortunately one of them is my ex.. I was dating him for 3 years.. And Ally I've known my whole life.
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? Earlier today.
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 5:55am
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? Yes.
47. Best thing about winter? Christmas & New Years.
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: Black, Purple & Silver.
49. Do you listen to country music? Old country music, yes.
50. What month is your birthday in? October
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? uhh.. i mean.. i guess they're kinda cool?
52. Favorite place to shop? Hot Topic, Forever 21, WetSeal, H&M & Spencers.
53. What are you doing this weekend? Sleeping hopefully.. Probably hanging out with people.
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? Its a tie-dye Set It Off band shirt..
55. Do you have a crush on someone? Meh.
56. How many kids do you want to have? Atleast 2.
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? Parts of my family yes.
58. Would you ever change your name? Yes.
59. What did you do for your last birthday? Sat at an airport, flew to vegas, ate in-n-out burger & played with my little cousins.
60. Name something you can't stand? Spiders.
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? Honestly, I wouldn't change a thing cause if my life wasn't this way I wouldn't be the person I am today.
62. What is your favorite month? May.
63. Least favorite month? January.
64. Are you in a relationship? Not anymore..
65. Most visited webpage/app? uhh... probably either myvmk, facebook, twitter or tumblr.
66. Coke or Pepsi products? Coke. except I really like mountain dew.
67. Favorite Disney princess? Ariel<3
68. Favorite Disney prince? Beast.
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: Hmm... Nightmare Before Christmas or Lady and The Tramp.
70. Do you play VMK? Yes.
1. Do you like chinese food? Heckles yeah.
2. How big is your bed? Full bed
3. Is your room clean? no
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? Laptop
5. Favorite comedian? Daniel Tosh
6. Do you like Apple products? Yes!
7. Does anyone like you? I think so lol
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? The laugh that guys do when they are nervous
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? Usually shorts and a t-shirt/tanktop
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? two
12. Do long distance relationships work? It can.
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? ZERO
14. Pancakes or French Toast? French Toast
15. Do you like coffee? Yes
16. Do you eat breakfast? No
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? Kind of
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? Aven
19. Last person on your missed call list? Aven
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? "I'm getting you something for Christmas"
21. McDonalds or Burger King? Neither
22. Number of face book friends? 107
23. Last thing you ate? Subway
24. Last thing you bought? Sperry's
25. What are you hearing right now? Silence
26. A song that describes you right now? Monster by Rihanna & Eminem
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? Vanilla
28. Do you play video games? Yes
29. Do you know how to swim? Yes
30. Favorite food? Spaghetti
31. Do you like naps? Heckles yeah.
32. What song is stuck in your head? Monster by Rihanna & Eminem
33. What's the best thing that happened today? Seeing Hunger Games: Catching Fire
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? Yes
35. Can you do a handstand? Yes
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? No
37. What is your favorite season? Fall
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? My stuffed bear (I still have it)
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - The Dark Knight Rises
40. Your favorite celebrity: Johnny Depp
41. What do you enjoy doing most? Running hurdles and Riding horses
42. Missing anyone right now? My ex.
43. How long have you known them? Three years.
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? Today
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 3am
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? No
47. Best thing about winter? Wearing clothes and cuddling
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: Purple and hold
49. Do you listen to country music? Sometimes
50. What month is your birthday in? October
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? Cool
52. Favorite place to shop? Online
53. What are you doing this weekend? Probably homework
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? Checkered
55. Do you have a crush on someone? Yes.
56. How many kids do you want to have? Two.
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? No.
58. Would you ever change your name? I already did
59. What did you do for your last birthday? My ex boyfriend came over
60. Name something you can't stand? Annoying people
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? Everything
62. What is your favorite month? October
63. Least favorite month? January
64. Are you in a relationship? No
65. Most visited webpage/app?
66. Coke or Pepsi products? Pepsi
67. Favorite Disney princess? Pocahontas
68. Favorite Disney prince? Aladdin
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: Emperor's New Groove
70. Do you play VMK? Heckles yeah!


Well-Known Member
1. Do you like chinese food? Yes
2. How big is your bed? Twin at home, Twin XL in school
3. Is your room clean? Hahaha - my room at home is, my dorm looks like a tornado went through it
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? Laptop
5. Favorite comedian? Ehhh not big on stand-up or anything
6. Do you like Apple products? Yes
7. Does anyone like you? Presumably my boyfriend...
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? Hmmm... hands
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? Anything - matching PJs? Ain't nobody got time for that
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 plus an armrest pillow thingy
12. Do long distance relationships work? From what I've observed, no.
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? No
14. Pancakes or French Toast? Pancakes
15. Do you like coffee? Yesss
16. Do you eat breakfast? Occasionally
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? No
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? My mom
19. Last person on your missed call list? My mom
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? "I miss you a **** ton do I can't wait for the ***** party. Happy thankgiving and Hanukkah"
21. McDonalds or Burger King? McD's
22. Number of face book friends? 224
23. Last thing you ate? A KIND bar
24. Last thing you bought? A sweater with an owl on it
25. What are you hearing right now? Shark Attack by Grouplove
26. A song that describes you right now? Swimming Pools - Thao & The Get Down Stay Down
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? Cherry Garcia
28. Do you play video games? Occasionally
29. Do you know how to swim? Barely
30. Favorite food? Pad thai
31. Do you like naps? I live for naps
32. What song is stuck in your head? The Time Warp
33. What's the best thing that happened today? Thanksgiving
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? Years ago
35. Can you do a handstand? No
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? Depends on the siz
37. What is your favorite season? Fall
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? Tamagotchi
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: " Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part." - from Se7en
40. Your favorite celebrity: Jennifer Lawrence
41. What do you enjoy doing most? Sleeping
42. Missing anyone right now? Mah friends
43. How long have you known them? Since September :P
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? Yesterday
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 8:45 - way too early
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? For my 8:30 am Spanish class, yes
47. Best thing about winter? Sledding and snow days
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: Red, black, gray
49. Do you listen to country music? No
50. What month is your birthday in? November
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? Cool but slightly overrated
52. Favorite place to shop? Urban Outfitters, Goodwill and Anthropologie
53. What are you doing this weekend? Getting crepes, possibly seeing Catching Fire :D
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? Wearing a blue Washington D.C. sweatshirt
55. Do you have a crush on someone? Yes
56. How many kids do you want to have? 2
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? My mom's side
58. Would you ever change your name? Yes, to my mother's maiden name - I've been considering it
59. What did you do for your last birthday? My friends took me out to a fancy restaurant
60. Name something you can't stand? Hypocrites
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? Too many things
62. What is your favorite month? September
63. Least favorite month? January
64. Are you in a relationship? Kinda
65. Most visited webpage/app? Facebook
66. Coke or Pepsi products? Coke
67. Favorite Disney princess? Cinderella
68. Favorite Disney prince? Hmm not sure
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: Oliver and Company
70. Do you play VMK? Not really
1. Do you like chinese food? yes
2. How big is your bed? i have no idea tbh
3. Is your room clean? yes
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? laptop
5. Favorite comedian? uhhhhh don't really know
6. Do you like Apple products? yeaaaah ahaha
7. Does anyone like you? not that i know of but probably not
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? don't start
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? both
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
12. Do long distance relationships work? -.-
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? not really pulled over, but once
14. Pancakes or French Toast? french toast!!!
15. Do you like coffee? yessss
16. Do you eat breakfast? mhmmm
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? somewhat
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? emily
19. Last person on your missed call list? nobody
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? happy thanksgiving<3
21. McDonalds or Burger King? mcdonalds
22. Number of face book friends? 376
23. Last thing you ate? chocolate chip muffin
24. Last thing you bought? soda
25. What are you hearing right now? the tv
26. A song that describes you right now? idkkkk o.O
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? chocolate
28. Do you play video games? yeah
29. Do you know how to swim? yes
30. Favorite food? pizza
31. Do you like naps? yaaaaaas
32. What song is stuck in your head? nothing atm
33. What's the best thing that happened today? nothing yet
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? yes :)
35. Can you do a handstand? yuuup
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? no lol
37. What is your favorite season? fall!
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? game boy advance lol omg
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: yeah idk
40. Your favorite celebrity: austin mahone ssshhh
41. What do you enjoy doing most? jammin'
42. Missing anyone right now? sure
43. How long have you known them? kindergarten & middle school
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? pretty sure like 10 minutes ago
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 8
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? only for school
47. Best thing about winter? drinking hot chocolate and watching the snow fall down
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: blue, purple, green
49. Do you listen to country music? yes!
50. What month is your birthday in? november
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? pirates are swaggie
52. Favorite place to shop? anywhere really i love shopping
53. What are you doing this weekend? no clue
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? its an ugly school tshirt
55. Do you have a crush on someone? nope
56. How many kids do you want to have? too soon
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? yes
58. Would you ever change your name? probably
59. What did you do for your last birthday? went to my friend's house
60. Name something you can't stand? haaaahaha there's a lot
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? a lot of things
62. What is your favorite month? june
63. Least favorite month? september
64. Are you in a relationship? nope
65. Most visited webpage/app? probably facebook
66. Coke or Pepsi products? coke
67. Favorite Disney princess? all of them
68. Favorite Disney prince? all
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: all of theeeemm
70. Do you play VMK? yes!!
1. Do you like chinese food?: yes
2. How big is your bed?: twin size
3. Is your room clean?: overall
4. Laptop or Desktop computer?: desktop
5. Favorite comedian?: Gabriel Inglesias
6. Do you like Apple products?: yes
7. Does anyone like you?: yeah
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)?: there's a lot of things lol
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer?: depends
11. How many pillows do you sleep with?: 5
12. Do long distance relationships work?: depends
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police?: 0
14. Pancakes or French Toast?: French Toast
15. Do you like coffee?: not really
16. Do you eat breakfast?: yes
17. Do you believe in love at first sight?: no
18. Last person you talked to on the phone?: Matthew
19. Last person on your missed call list?: Matthew
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say?: Matthew
21. McDonalds or Burger King?: McDonalds
22. Number of face book friends?: 208
23. Last thing you ate?: fatfree popcorn
24. Last thing you bought?: Sweater from PINK
25. What are you hearing right now?: nothing
26. A song that describes you right now?: Don't Wake Me Up -Chis Brown
27. What kind of ice cream do you like?: vanilla
28. Do you play video games?: yes
29. Do you know how to swim?: kinda
30. Favorite food?: pizza
31. Do you like naps?: no
32. What song is stuck in your head?: Little Me- Little Mix
33. What's the best thing that happened today?: Nothing so far
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World?: no :(
35. Can you do a handstand?: no lol
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself?: no
37. What is your favorite season?: winter
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood?: barbie dream house
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: cant think of any
40. Your favorite celebrity: Harry Styles
41. What do you enjoy doing most?: acting
42. Missing anyone right now?: yeah
43. How long have you known them?: 5 years
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid?: yesterday
45. What time did you wake up this morning?: 2:10pm
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up?: no
47. Best thing about winter?: shopping ._.
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: pink, black ,purple
49. Do you listen to country music?: sometimes
50. What month is your birthday in?: february
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated?: depends haha
52. Favorite place to shop?: Urban Outfitters
53. What are you doing this weekend?: shopping
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now?: white
55. Do you have a crush on someone?: i guess
56. How many kids do you want to have?: 0
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family?: overall
58. Would you ever change your name?: maybe
59. What did you do for your last birthday?: went shopping with my bff
60. Name something you can't stand?: ahahah im not gonna even say it
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?: that i was rich and famous
62. What is your favorite month?: December
63. Least favorite month?: March
64. Are you in a relationship?: yes
65. Most visited webpage/app?: vmk xD
66. Coke or Pepsi products?: pepsi
67. Favorite Disney princess?: belle
68. Favorite Disney prince?: does Flynn Rider count haha
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: Mulan
70. Do you play VMK?: YES


disney pin trader since 2004
1. Do you like chinese food?: no
2. How big is your bed?: full
3. Is your room clean?: yes
4. Laptop or Desktop computer?: laptop
5. Favorite comedian?: jeff dunham
6. Do you like Apple products?: yes
7. Does anyone like you?: idk
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)?: run their fingers through their hair
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer?: anything
11. How many pillows do you sleep with?: like 8
12. Do long distance relationships work?: depends
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police?: 0
14. Pancakes or French Toast?: pancakes
15. Do you like coffee?: yes
16. Do you eat breakfast?: kind of
17. Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes
18. Last person you talked to on the phone?: lizzy
19. Last person on your missed call list?: emily
21. McDonalds or Burger King?: neither ew
22. Number of face book friends?: many
23. Last thing you ate?: um what's food
24. Last thing you bought?: a flower crown
25. What are you hearing right now?: music
26. A song that describes you right now?: courage - superchick
27. What kind of ice cream do you like?: lactose intolerant
28. Do you play video games?: yes
29. Do you know how to swim?: yes
30. Favorite food?: ugh
31. Do you like naps?: no
32. What song is stuck in your head?: beautiful soul - jesse mccartney
33. What's the best thing that happened today?: i almost died
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World?: duh
35. Can you do a handstand?: no
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself?: sigh
37. What is your favorite season?: winter
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood?: polly pocket, tamogatchi, i also had a robot dog, mlp and barbie movies
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: eat my shorts
40. Your favorite celebrity: tom hiddleston, robert downey jr., benedict cumberbatch and karen gillan
41. What do you enjoy doing most?: writing
42. Missing anyone right now?: yes
43. How long have you known them?: since birth
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid?: a few hours ago
45. What time did you wake up this morning?: 11:30 i'm sick ok
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up?: only for school
47. Best thing about winter: not sweating
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: black purple red
49. Do you listen to country music?: ew
50. What month is your birthday in?: march
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated?: overrated
52. Favorite place to shop?: etsy or hot topic
53. What are you doing this weekend?: going to my grandmas and procrastinating homework that I've had weeks for that's due Monday oops it's okay I feel horrible right now
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now?: stripes
55. Do you have a crush on someone?: yes
56. How many kids do you want to have?: 2-3
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family?: only my mom and grandma and grandpa
58. Would you ever change your name?: yes
59. What did you do for your last birthday?: had a harry potter themed party it was horrible
60. Name something you can't stand?: lying
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?: my weight/hip size
62. What is your favorite month?: december
63. Least favorite month?: july
64. Are you in a relationship?: no
65. Most visited webpage/app?: instagram, tumblr, vmk
66. Coke or Pepsi products?: coke
67. Favorite Disney princess?: mulan
68. Favorite Disney prince?: flynn rider
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: nemo or monsters inc. you can't make me choose rude
70. Do you play VMK?: mhmm
1. Do you like chinese food? loove
2. How big is your bed? twin
3. Is your room clean? sort of
4. Laptop or Desktop computer?laptop
5. Favorite comedian? i don't know much comedians
6. Do you like Apple products? love them
7. Does anyone like you? yeah
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? cooks with me
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? set
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? one
12. Do long distance relationships work? it's possible
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? twice
14. Pancakes or French Toast? pancakes
15. Do you like coffee? yeah
16. Do you eat breakfast? not really
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? i guess
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? kyle
19. Last person on your missed call list? sam
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? what are you doing tonight
21. McDonalds or Burger King? mcdonalds
22. Number of face book friends? 367
23. Last thing you ate? salad
24. Last thing you bought? sweater
25. What are you hearing right now? nothing
26. A song that describes you right now? can't think of any
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? mint chocolate chip
28. Do you play video games? not really
29. Do you know how to swim? yeah
30. Favorite food? i like italian food
31. Do you like naps? love them
32. What song is stuck in your head? that's my kind of night
33. What's the best thing that happened today? nothing really
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? yeah
35. Can you do a handstand? yeah
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? no
37. What is your favorite season? summer
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? barbie dolls
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: can't think of any
40. Your favorite celebrity: channing tatum
41. What do you enjoy doing most? relaxing
42. Missing anyone right now? yes
43. How long have you known them? since we were in elementary school
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? earlier today
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 9
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? no
47. Best thing about winter? christmas
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: pink, teal, purple
49. Do you listen to country music? yeah
50. What month is your birthday in? feburary
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? overrated
52. Favorite place to shop? forever 21
53. What are you doing this weekend? hanging with friends and work
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? tan lace
55. Do you have a crush on someone? not until i found out he was a jerk
56. How many kids do you want to have? three or four
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? yeah
58. Would you ever change your name? no
59. What did you do for your last birthday? partied
60. Name something you can't stand? bugs
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? nothing
62. What is your favorite month? december
63. Least favorite month? don't know
64. Are you in a relationship? no
65. Most visited webpage/app? twitter
66. Coke or Pepsi products? coke
67. Favorite Disney princess? cinderella
68. Favorite Disney prince? prince charming
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: peter pan
70. Do you play VMK? yes!
1. Do you like chinese food? Yes . Yummy
2. How big is your bed? Queen
3. Is your room clean? Usually
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? Laptop
5. Favorite comedian? American actor Robin Williams
6. Do you like Apple products? Could care less
7. Does anyone like you? Yes but I only want one person in particular
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? Hes funny even when he doesn't know it
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? Pj's usually
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? 5!
12. Do long distance relationships work? Yes if for the right person
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? a handful of times for speeding
14. Pancakes or French Toast? French Toast!
15. Do you like coffee? Not really
16. Do you eat breakfast? Sometimes
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? YES! *.*
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? Claire
19. Last person on your missed call list? Ann
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? Can you talk?
21. McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King
22. Number of face book friends? 5,873
23. Last thing you ate? scotch eggs
24. Last thing you bought? a purse
25. What are you hearing right now? Combichrist playing in the background
26. A song that describes you right now? umm idk right now
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? chocolate chip
28. Do you play video games? not really
29. Do you know how to swim? yes
30. Favorite food? beef wellington or shepherd's pie probably
31. Do you like naps? yes!
32. What song is stuck in your head? kiss the blade
33. What's the best thing that happened today? keeping my fingers crossed for something
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? No but I want to go!
35. Can you do a handstand? Yes
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? God no !
37. What is your favorite season? Fall
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood?
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: " The point is, how do you know the guarantee fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "
40. Your favorite celebrity: American Actor that's funny Chris Farley
41. What do you enjoy doing most? listening to music and talking to friends
42. Missing anyone right now? yes
43. How long have you known them? 7 - 8 years I think
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? a few hours ago
45. What time did you wake up this morning? I dont remember
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? not usually
47. Best thing about winter? christmas lights
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: purple , black
49. Do you listen to country music? Oh god ew *throwup* lol
50. What month is your birthday in? april
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? overrated usually
52. Favorite place to shop? online
53. What are you doing this weekend? dont know yet
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? black. black sabbath t shirt =^-^=
55. Do you have a crush on someone? yes! *.* although I haven't told him yet
56. How many kids do you want to have? afraid of having kids/dont want kids. no preg belly fat please lol
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? yes
58. Would you ever change your name? no
59. What did you do for your last birthday? had gone to a concert
60. Name something you can't stand? people who use dumb words because they think its hip or whatever
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? having this guy i like
62. What is your favorite month? october
63. Least favorite month? may
64. Are you in a relationship? no but I wont settle for anything but this one guy =^-^=
65. Most visited webpage/app? google
66. Coke or Pepsi products? pepsi
67. Favorite Disney princess? belle
68. Favorite Disney prince? beast
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: beauty and the beast
70. Do you play VMK? yes
1. Do you like chinese food? yes.
2. How big is your bed? queen.
3. Is your room clean? no.
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? laptop.
5. Favorite comedian? ellen degeneres
6. Do you like Apple products? yes.
7. Does anyone like you? yes.
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? jealousy, or respectfulness.
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? anything from the drawer.
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? 4.
12. Do long distance relationships work? no.
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? not yet.
14. Pancakes or French Toast? neither.
15. Do you like coffee? no.
16. Do you eat breakfast? sometimes.
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? no.
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? my dad.
19. Last person on your missed call list? my friend, kim.
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? when are you come over from my friennd. c:
21. McDonalds or Burger King? mcdonalds.
22. Number of face book friends? 420 something.
23. Last thing you ate? grits.
24. Last thing you bought? paper and a pack of gum.
25. What are you hearing right now? the tv.
26. A song that describes you right now? the one that goes "i dont care, i love it." haha. idek half the words to that song, but ya know.
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? strawberry with real strawberries.
28. Do you play video games? not very often..
29. Do you know how to swim? kinda.
30. Favorite food? zaxbys.
31. Do you like naps? YES.
32. What song is stuck in your head? drink a be.. by luke bryan.
33. What's the best thing that happened today? i passed my final.
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? yes.
35. Can you do a handstand? no.
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? no.
37. What is your favorite season? summer and fall.
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? my life size repunzul barbie.
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: you walk outside, you risk your life. you take a drink of water, you risk your life. nowadays you breath and you risk your life. you don?t have a choice. the only thing you can choose is what you?re risking it for. -hershel from the walking dead, RIP.
40. Your favorite celebrity: norman reedus and luke bryan.
41. What do you enjoy doing most? being lazy. and hanging with friends.
42. Missing anyone right now? not saying..
43. How long have you known them? a while.
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? today.
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 8:40.
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? during school, yes.
47. Best thing about winter? Christmas.
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: pink.
49. Do you listen to country music? YES.
50. What month is your birthday in? march.
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? eh. zombies are better.
52. Favorite place to shop? papaya.
53. What are you doing this weekend? going to my nannys. and hanging out with my frieennd maybee.
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? its a hoodie and it says "senior class of 2014".
55. Do you have a crush on someone? yes, i doo.
56. How many kids do you want to have? 2 at the most.
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? yes.
58. Would you ever change your name? no.
59. What did you do for your last birthday? went on a field trip.
60. Name something you can't stand? when someone mocks me.
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? nothing.
62. What is your favorite month? july.
63. Least favorite month? september.
64. Are you in a relationship? no.
65. Most visited webpage/app? facebook.
66. Coke or Pepsi products? pepsi.
67. Favorite Disney princess? arial.
68. Favorite Disney prince? idk.
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: peter pan and finding nemo.
70. Do you play VMK? when i have the chance to.
1. Do you like chinese food? yes i do
2. How big is your bed? a full? (big 'nuff for one)
3. Is your room clean? -ishhhh
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? lappy top
5. Favorite comedian? Jim gaffigan
6. Do you like Apple products? yea i do and i dont
7. Does anyone like you? yess :)
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? when they are awkwardly romantic
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? just pj bottoms and random shirt
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? just 1 (sometimes)
12. Do long distance relationships work? noooo not for me at least
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? zero (knock on wood)
14. Pancakes or French Toast? eww neither i prefer WAFFLES ... but i guess that wasnt a choice.... french toast i guess
15. Do you like coffee? frappe yes
16. Do you eat breakfast? on occasion
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? ehhh didnt happen to me
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? John
19. Last person on your missed call list? telemarketer (let it ring through)
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? none of yo buisness
21. McDonalds or Burger King? iguess BK blah
22. Number of face book friends? 237
23. Last thing you ate? pizza
24. Last thing you bought? water bottle
25. What are you hearing right now? pandora disney
26. A song that describes you right now? hmmmmm "say something- great big world and christina aguilera"
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? coffee and choco chip mmmm
28. Do you play video games? yes i do
29. Do you know how to swim? yes i do
30. Favorite food? FRIED CHICKEN
31. Do you like naps? my body doesnt let me take any :(
32. What song is stuck in your head? none atm
33. What's the best thing that happened today? nothing really it was crappy
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? yepp
35. Can you do a handstand? sureee then i fall
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? nooooooo most is 2 slices
37. What is your favorite season? winter love christmas and thanksgivin time of year
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? hmmmm my barbies
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: "Not my daughter, you **********!"-Molly Weasly
40. Your favorite celebrity: Rob pattinson and Sel Gomez
41. What do you enjoy doing most? taking pictures
42. Missing anyone right now? my love :(
43. How long have you known them? for about 4 years
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? at work a few hours ago
45. What time did you wake up this morning? 7:47
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? no >_>
47. Best thing about winter? snuggling to keep warm
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: blue, purple, lime(neon)green
49. Do you listen to country music? heckkkkkkk no
50. What month is your birthday in? December
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? way cool
52. Favorite place to shop? Rue 21, journeys
53. What are you doing this weekend? workin :(
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? sky blue and Walgreens (work shirt)
55. Do you have a crush on someone? way more than a crush :)
56. How many kids do you want to have? at least 2
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? -ishhh
58. Would you ever change your name? naw had it for 20 years might as well just keep the thing
59. What did you do for your last birthday? nobody rememberd it
60. Name something you can't stand? impatient ppl
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? too many to pick just 1
62. What is your favorite month? december
63. Least favorite month? hmm i dont think i have one
64. Are you in a relationship? yes i am
65. Most visited webpage/app? myvmk, instagram, pandora
66. Coke or Pepsi products? water is all i drink i do not drink soda at all
67. Favorite Disney princess? jazmin, repunzel
68. Favorite Disney prince? aladdin
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: nope i cant choose
70. Do you play VMK? yessss
1. Do you like chinese food? Yes
2. How big is your bed? Full size
3. Is your room clean? ehh kind of
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? laptop
5. Favorite comedian? Gabriel Iglesias and George Lopez
6. Do you like Apple products? Yes <3
7. Does anyone like you? Don't know
8. What's the cutest thing the opposite gender does (in your opinion)? idk
10. Do you wear a set of pajamas or just anything from the drawer? nope always mix matched
11. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3 if you count my stitch pillow pet
12. Do long distance relationships work? depends how far they are from each other
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? none
14. Pancakes or French Toast? French Toast
15. Do you like coffee? not really only fraps
16. Do you eat breakfast? every once in a while
17. Do you believe in love at first sight? ehh
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? my boyfriend
19. Last person on your missed call list? Dad
20. What was the last text message you received, what did it say? Any luck?? :)
21. McDonalds or Burger King? Mcdonalds
22. Number of face book friends? 267
23. Last thing you ate? Tacos dorados
24. Last thing you bought? gift for my dad
25. What are you hearing right now? Frozen soundtrack duh! x)
26. A song that describes you right now?
27. What kind of ice cream do you like? Chocolate, rainbow sherbert
28. Do you play video games? yes
29. Do you know how to swim? yes i think so lol
30. Favorite food? Mexican food
31. Do you like naps? sometimes
32. What song is stuck in your head? Do you want to build a snowman?
33. What's the best thing that happened today? nothing
34. Ever been to Walt Disney World? Yes once, Im more of a Disneyland girl since I live on the west coast
35. Can you do a handstand? no
36. Ever eat a whole pizza to yourself? no lol
37. What is your favorite season? winter
38. What item/toy do you remember in your childhood? polly pockets
39. Your favorite movie quote as of right now: "Do you want to build a snowman?" -Anna
40. Your favorite celebrity: David Archuleta
41. What do you enjoy doing most? Going to Disneyland and California Adventure
42. Missing anyone right now? yes ):
43. How long have you known them? 3+ years
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? today
45. What time did you wake up this morning? late :blush: 11:30am
46. Do you use an alarm to wake up? only when I go to school
47. Best thing about winter? snow, lights, feasts, family and warm clothes
48. Name a couple of your favorite colors: Purple, blue, black
49. Do you listen to country music? no
50. What month is your birthday in? June
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? COOL
52. Favorite place to shop? anywhere cheap lol
53. What are you doing this weekend? spending time with the bf :)
54. What is the color/design on your shirt right now? Batman :)
55. Do you have a crush on someone? my bf <3 lol
56. How many kids do you want to have? 2 max
57. Do you have a good relationship with your family? yes
58. Would you ever change your name? nah
59. What did you do for your last birthday? I went to Disneyland lololol
60. Name something you can't stand? people that are rude
61. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? nothing
62. What is your favorite month? December
63. Least favorite month? August
64. Are you in a relationship? yes
65. Most visited webpage/app? Facebook and myVMK
66. Coke or Pepsi products? COke
67. Favorite Disney princess? Ariel <3
68. Favorite Disney prince? Eric <3
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: The Little Mermaid
70. Do you play VMK? DUH! x)
The most important.
65. Most visited webpage/app? MyVMK forums/server
67. Favorite Disney princess? Rapunzel
68. Favorite Disney prince? Flynn
69. Favorite Disney movie of all time: Tangled and The Princess Diaries
70. Do you play VMK? Obvi.