Tomorrowland Diving Quest


Well-Known Member
I keep seeing people underwater in their suits and magic pins.

Is this still an available quest or was it just an event thing? If it's still available, how can I do it?


Mysterious Member
@firelordjoelle the diving, driving and space suit quest are available indefinitely. Just go to their corresponding rooms, click the Q button at the bottom and it should appear.
Diving - Captain's Quest Quarters
Space - Space Mountain Quest Deck
Driving - Autopia Quest Track (once you complete the first quest you can get your license by collecting either 10 or 15 gas cans)(You'll need to use the car magic you just got or any other car magic)
There is also more than one driving quest but each one gets a bit more hard. To view/start those quests simply click next quest while viewing the quest in Autopia Quest Track
I went to Captains Quest Quarters and completed the Ships & Shipwrecks quest and I put on the "Magic - Deep Sea Diving Blue" pin but whenever I go to do the underwater diving game thing, it doesn't work and it says that I need to complete the Tomorrowland Diving Quest and be using a diving suit magic to get in.
It did that to me too. Send in a cfh and staff will help :)