TV Series: Merlin


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!

I was just scrolling through Netflix this past weekend, and found the series "Merlin". It sounded interesting, so I watched an episode... and another episode... and another. Before I knew it, I was finished with season 1 and now I'm on season 2.

I was wondering if anyone has watched this before and how do you like it? I realize that I'm pretty late (started in 2008) but I love it so far.



Well-Known Member
I was wondering why it was only 5 seasons? I actually had my friend look it up and she said it was cancelled because the character "Arthur" didn't want to do anymore seasons. I've heard some people say the last season felt like it was put together quickly and rushed.

I love Merlin. Currently watching it right now.
Where are you at in the series? I'm S2 E2.
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Forest Faery and Occasional Pirate
I LOVE Merlin. I just started rewatching it! It's one of those shows that starts out funny and peppy but then goes on a downward, heartbreaking spiral.


Well-Known Member
I've heard some people say the last season felt like it was put together quickly and rushed.
To me it did. It just felt like it ended. Thats why I said earlier that the ending was kinda disappointing. I think I read that had 1 or 2 more seasons planned but it fell through mid season and so they had to change it to an ending (Cant remember if thats what happened) but yeah :S

Good show overall though :) Would totally recommend


Well-Known Member
I loved Merlin! I actually haven't seen past like season 2, but I saw the last episode when my mom was watching it. >_>
Guess it's time for me to re-watch the series.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering why it was only 5 seasons? I actually had my friend look it up and she said it was cancelled because the character "Arthur" didn't want to do anymore seasons. I've heard some people say the last season felt like it was put together quickly and rushed.
This is the first time I've heard that it was because Bradley didn't want to do anymore seasons. I'm pretty sure that's a false statement. It did feel a bit rushed after the reveal, but I also thought that the ending, although heart wrenching was the right way to end the series. It never got renewed past season five, so yes it was cancelled, but they had been dragging Merlin's magic reveal for so long that I expected something like that to happen. I think that the writers were planning on a sixth season and when it didn't happen they had to rush the fifth one, or maybe five was all that was planned and they chose to write it that way(a mistake they could have made it so much better). It did seem a bit rushed, but they were in such a tight spot that I really believe that their biggest problem was waiting so long for the magic reveal. When you finish the series feel free to send me another msg or reply here because I would love to continue this conversation once you know everything that happened!
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