Greetings fellow MyVMKers,

I've been thinking about the user-made games that us MyVMKers play to entertain guests. I don't know about you, but I've been getting a little tired of the traditional Cute-or-Boot, Falling Chairs, etc. That's why today I've finally made my decision to bring life to a defunct quiz show from the 1950's-1960's

That's right everyone! I'm bringing What's My Line? to MyVMK!

Here are the basic rules on how to play:


What’s My Line? was a guessing game in which four panelists attempted to determine the line (occupation) of the contestant. Panelists were required to probe by asking only questions which could be answered "yes" or "no". A typical game features three standard rounds of different contestants.

Standard Rounds:

A group of 4 panelist judges are chosen by the host at the beginning of each round, following with the entrance of the contestant. The round begins with the host/hostess revealing the contestant's line of work to the audience via-trade, then telling the panel whether the contestant is salaried or self-employed, and if they dealt with a product or service. If the panelist receives a "yes" answer he/she continues questioning, but if he received a "no," questioning is then passed to the next panelist and 5 points is added to the prize. A contestant wins the top prize of 50 points by giving ten "no" answers.

Panelists have the option of passing to the next panelist—or even disqualifying themselves entirely if they somehow immediately know what the contestant's occupation was, sometimes by virtue of having seen that contestant before—and they could also request a "conference," in which they had a short time to openly discuss ideas about occupations or lines of questioning.

Panelists may adopt some basic binary strategies, beginning with broad questions, such as whether the contestant worked for a profit-making or non-profit organization, or whether the product was alive (in the animal sense), worn, or ingested. To increase the probability of "yes" answers they would often phrase questions in the negative starting with "Is it something other than..." or "Can I rule out..." If the panel correctly deciphers the contestant's line of work in less than 10 "no" answers, they win the round.


Prizes change periodically, make sure to check the description to see what the daily prize is. Everyone, including the losers of the round, wins a prize.


Below are some helpful questions for the panel to ask the contestant:

* Is there a product connected with what you do?
* Is it a useful product?
* Is it bigger than a breadbox?
* Can it be used by men and women
* Is it found in the home?
* Do you work for a profit-making organization?
* Do you deal in services?
* Do you work indoors?
* Do you wear a uniform in connection with your work?
* Do people come to you?
* Do you charge by the hour?
* Do you work with children?
* Do you work with animals?

Also, be sure to keep note of the contestant's answers!

Final Note:

You do not need to be employed formally to play What's My Line? You can simply make up an occupation or job to be tested against the panel. Usually, crazy, wild occupations are the most fun to play with. Please also refrain from dancing or using magic while the game is in session.

Happy guessing! And I hope to see y'all playing soon!
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