What Would You Do If....

i would sell it and make money, lol

What would you do if you had two different mouths: One for breathing and talking, and the other for eating and drinking


Well-Known Member
I'd pick the moderate rare item, trade it for 10k buy the most rare, trade that for at least 20k, rinse and repeat until I'm filthy rich*

WWYD if you found out you could travel to any point in time so long as there was a version of you waiting at your destination?

*sidenote: bwahaha


black lives matter
I would try it and see what happens, but I would want to go back to reality.

WWYD if you woke up with a pink fingers?


Well-Known Member
I would literally not notice until I'm well into my morning routine and spend the rest of the day walking around confused.

WWYD if your best friend/secret crush were absorbed into darkness and simultaneously a little creature of pure darkness started following you around?


Well-Known Member
idk I'd probably wear it

WWYD if you woke up and discovered everything in your life from sixth grade on was just a dream your fifth grade self was had?
i would cry bc elementary school was dark times and i do not wanna go back to that

wwyd if you got your license suspended?


Well-Known Member
Honestly I stay at home most of my time anyway, there is no loss I can use a bus

WWYD if you had the ability to teleport to any fictional world in existence?


black lives matter
I would probably teleport, but I don't want to get stuck in it.

WWYD if a walking burrito came into your bedroom?


black lives matter
I would wake up very confused and think that slept for two months or that I am an alternate universe :)

WWYD if you coughed and butterflies came out your mouth?


black lives matter
It depends what it is, TBH! If it's to put others in danger then yes.

WWYD if you were gifted a Merry-Go-Round?


black lives matter
I would ask for my money back and pray that The Good Lord heal the pizzeria.

WWYD if you found out that pizza is just a figment of your imagination?