What's your fave disney movie?

Peter Pan, easily. Peter Pan is my all time favorite Disney character/ cartoon character/ person ever. I know this sounds weird, but he really is an inspiration. Always keep the child alive in you, because if you don't, you can never get it back! I love Peter Pan so much, 1 and 2.


Disney Fanatic
Oh my gosh, this is hard... I'll just do a quick list, not in order though :o

- The Little Mermaid
- ALL the Toy Story movies
- Tangled
- Aladdin
- Finding Nemo
- Peter Pan
- Frozen
- Beauty and the Beast

and countless others :)


The Scourge of Avariciousness
Beauty and the Beast has always been and will always be my favorite. No other movie seems to give me that same sense of magic and wonder as it does.