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A couple of great movies set to this song \m/

There's always been a fascination with Ancient Roman history for me. Even visiting present day Rome is always a pleasure. Really feels like a second home, sometimes I'm not entirely sure why....but that's a subject I could contemplate over for endless hours I suppose.

Turn off all the lights, sit in the complete pitch black darkness of any room, turn this on and then close your eyes.

You will experience an . If you don't, hop in the car and drive to the nearest otolaryngologist to have your ears specifically checked.. lmao.


♥ Real Life Rapunzel ♥
Came across this, not bad; this guy does a pretty good job on it. Wouldn't say its hard though since its not very technical to play. I remember learning this song in the late 90's. Fun fun =o. hmmm makes me wonder what would happen if it was distorted more and then done as a cover song replaced with some distorted voxs on it too. Good experiment to try lol. Either that or slowing it down even further and adding some sorta creepy feeling voxs to it.