

Well-Known Member
So is MyVMK pal not working at all for anyone? I kept trying that and it kept saying server down so then I tried Firefox(bcs desperate times and all) and I'm on.
I was 70 in queue and got pulled in instantly. All I saw was everyone popping up on a black screen until she booted everyone from the room and wrote the notice that her event has been postponed. Now I see 504 gateway..

edit: Its up and running, just no event yet.


Well-Known Member
can no one else get on lol or is it just me D:


Well-Known Member
:0! Geez hmmmm I'm on it right now in myvmk pal
cries i use myvmk experience
and the farthest i can go is typing in my username and password
but once i hit enter it doesn't even budge or even go to a black screen