A Plea Against Spoilers


Well-Known Member
PSA. Game of Thrones and Endgame are coming up in the next few weeks!!! Can we make a community effort to keep ALL discussion of these highly-anticipated masterpieces out of public rooms?

On a related note, I'm thinking about making a room to open on Sunday nights/Mondays to discuss each week's episode. A SAFE SPACE for spoiler discussion! For anyone who watches, I'd love to just talk about theories and reactions!

xo, Marty


Well-Known Member
It would be really great if people could try to keep this in mind; I quite enjoy GoT but don't have HBO, so I can't see the new episodes just yet. I had to quickly leave FLC the other day because some people started talking spoilers while I was just trying to ride the rides XP

Please keep in mind that not everyone sees this stuff when it comes out, and be careful about spoilers!