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  1. VMK_Pudge

    Goodbye for now...

    Nice fidget spinner
  2. VMK_Pudge

    Goodbye for now...

    OKAY I'M BACK I COULDN'T HELP IT ILY ALL Really though, once I left, I was like, "What do I do now..?" I guess I was just overwhelmed with stuff to do, and as my busiest semester comes to a close, I'm starting to have more free time.
  3. VMK_Pudge

    Goodbye for now...

    It's been fun! I'll miss my fellow staffos so much, but I'm sure I'll run into them again some day <3
  4. VMK_Pudge

    Goodbye for now...

    Hi guys, I'm sorry to say that your peanut butter loving fish has to say goodbye. I am entirely too busy with school and personal life, and I really wish I had more time to dedicate to you guys because you deserve it. I love each and every one of you, and wish that you have a good holiday. I'll...
  5. VMK_Pudge

    The hardest REDACTIONS require the strongest wills...

    I love you and my inbox is always open for chatting. I would offer to put some tea on, but that's a little difficult virtually :halcyon:
  6. VMK_Pudge

    Foods you hate that everyone else seems to love

    I strongly dislike bacon. But I tolerate kale. And I love soybeans. No Pudgey isn't a vegan. She just likes veggies :P
  7. VMK_Pudge

    Reach record numbers, before a Staff Member posts!

    I hate to be a dream crusher but it's my favorite pastime. Now, off to bed. Pip pip.
  8. VMK_Pudge


    I've received my weekly feeding. Thx.
  9. VMK_Pudge


    Oooh that would be fun! No but really, wouldn't it be fun to have a forum PB sandwich thread?
  10. VMK_Pudge

    Reach record numbers, before a Staff Member posts!

    NAH :StitchBounce: So think about it: Pudge is really Maui the demigod from Moana who watches over Lilo and Nani (who are Moana's descendants). Lilo and Nani's parents died in a car accident on a rainy night. This is why Lilo feeds Pudge religiously every Thursday, to keep the demigod happy...
  11. VMK_Pudge


    Hi everyone! Thank you so much for a very warm welcome in the game! I played my first Hide-N-Seek game with you guys a few days ago, and I was actually a little nervous (I had a blast, though!). I'll be around quite a bit, so if you see me, don't be afraid to say hi (or feed me a PB sammich)...