Crates rework?


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but I think crates are EXHAUSTING! and after hours of sitting in a room, I get basically nothing. I understand there's a thrill when you get to open them and its fun when you when a big prize, but idk I guess the end result is just very underwhelming. I'm not saying that these rare items should be made easier to get, because that's the point of having them in game. I just wonder if there is a way to make the crate system feel more worth participating in.
Hear me out, I'm sure I'm not the only who has spent HOURS crating only to open squat. Especially when the Jack crates only selling for 5 credits and the amount of duds collected, it feels like a huge waste of time. I could be playing games or working on a room, or even doing something that doesn't tie me to my computer screen. After a while, it gets tiresome and seriously heartbreaking to be essentially wasting so much time for nothing. At some point it just feels like 'I'm not going to get anything good so why bother'.
And isn't it disheartening to open hundreds of crates and get nothing, and to hear someone opened less than ~100 to get the big ticket item?
Perhaps some system can be implemented into these in order to take into account how many you've opened, and make it more likely for you to open a rarer prize the more you open?
Or even just don't make duds and make the common stuff and opened crates worth more credits to sell for? With how much time it takes to collect them it would be better off to just earn credits in the mini games.
I hope something can be done in order to improve the quality of the crate system.
Please comment your opinions and any ideas you have that might make it better :D
Thanks for reading!
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