Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Active Member
Dear Student,
We congratulate you on your acceptance into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry!
We are currently in the process of getting all the preperations complete before your arrival and are working hard to making sure your visit is pleasant and enjoyable.

Professor Milklady and I, your headmaster, will be opening the doors to Hogwarts within a few days, and wanted to have a way to inform you of the moment we do, as well as any updates before then.
So if you are interested, please follow this thread!

We will also be posting all things to do with our school when it comes to events and holidays, so you can be just as much a part of it as we are!

We also want to take this time to thank you for all your encouragement and support thru our build, and wanted to say how we couldn't have done such a good job without it!

Thank you again!
~ Professor Ruby
& Professor Milklady


Active Member
We have officially submitted our multi room ride of Hogwarts to the Multi room contest for this month!!!!
If you happen to ride the ride before the official opening, please let either myself or Milklady know of any glitches you find!
Thank you!!!