I just want to say something

i see it all the time. When people are on the topic of weight or defending someone who is normal or a bit larger, they always say how skinny people look disgusting, they need some meat on their bones. its great that people accept more curvy or whatever but why downgrade those who are opposite? It is just as hurtful as calling someone fat and i think a lot of people do it unintentionally and without thinking. I am actually real thin and have been since i was a kid. people always assume or are concerned that i don't eat. i have tried to gain weight feeling pressured by so many people who say I'm too skinny or I'm not healthy looking but i just never seem to gain any. some think that I'm lucky i can eat whatever i want and not worry, which i admit i sometimes like, but its really not lucky when i am reminded by those people how I'm not normal. I never use to think it was such a bad thing until recently when this kinda hate towards skinny people on the internet happened. Of course its never gonna happen, but i wish everyone could just accept people. idk i didn't write this to get people to tell me its ok blah blah i just wanted somewhere to say this and nowhere else am i comfortable to put this.. I guess if this kinda posting is not allowed it can be deleted, i just want people to know don't try to change your self for others, whether it is weight or anything.


Well-Known Member
people say it's politically correct to bring up people of different races by bringing down the "majority" (Caucasian).

when you put it in these terms (have skinny people be the "majority" and those with a larger build be the "minority" or "different races"), it doesn't sound like "politically correct" anymore, it just sounds rude.

i definitely apologize for you being bullied because of your weight, and I personally know a person that, even though he joined the same military ROTC organization at my college, is completely unable to put on weight, even using so much protein, going to the rec center (weights) a lot, etc. it's horrible to bully anyone.
One of my biggest pet peeves!!! People will complain about being called fat and how all body types should be loved and adored and then preach that "bigger is better." I'm also on the very thin side and can relate 100%. Body positivity is about loving all body types, not just one
I'm also skinny even when I was born. When I was a kid people told me that I'm too skinny or "put meat on your bones", but it's hard for me to gain weight. This didn't bother me when I was a kid, but as I got older it did. I'm self conscious mostly about my wrist because they're thin. I rarley wear short selves because I hate having people comment on my wrist. ;p;
Gosh I've thought the same thing for a while now. When that one Megan Trainer, "All about that base" song came on the radio I used to feel so uncomfortable, because of all the comments I had read on how much better it is to be voluptuous and have certain larger features such as a behind. I very much support any body type, I just dont see how supporting heavy weight needs to be reversing the shaming. we should all be equal no matter what body type. I understand that it has and is usually significantly shameful to be heavy in our society, but everyone is beautiful in their own way.
I can definitely relate to you on this. I've been skinny my entire life and it's extremely hurtful when people assume that you're "anorexic" or "unhealthy". Like hello.. I can't help it that I have a fast metabolism. I'm all for empowering people of all body types, but one of my biggest pet peeves is when people automatically assume something that isn't true and then proceed to judge you based on their preconceived notions.


eyerolling is my cardio.
skinny or fat. who cares. its about how you feel about yourself, if you're happy be happy. if your unhappy, try to make a change.
whatever works or not, learn to accept yourself. i'm defiantly not as happy with my weight as i want, i do my best...

don't give a ********.
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It's just a fad. These stupid things come and go. Once the general public is tired of hearing about it it'll go away. Personally I don't even understand the premise behind the "movement." I find that it's majority of the time people attempting to justify their sloppy diets, and is nothing more than cognitive dissonance. As for what is healthy, it all comes down to nutrient intake. Hence, you can have someone who is overweight and malnourished, while a Kenyan runner is nothing but skin and bones, but operating at optimum nutrient levels. The entire "you don't look healthy" stigma is nothing but a half-truth and scare tactic to force ones weak-kneed view of themselves upon the public to draw sympathy.


Literal Princess
i see it all the time. When people are on the topic of weight or defending someone who is normal or a bit larger, they always say how skinny people look disgusting, they need some meat on their bones. its great that people accept more curvy or whatever but why downgrade those who are opposite? It is just as hurtful as calling someone fat and i think a lot of people do it unintentionally and without thinking. I am actually real thin and have been since i was a kid. people always assume or are concerned that i don't eat. i have tried to gain weight feeling pressured by so many people who say I'm too skinny or I'm not healthy looking but i just never seem to gain any. some think that I'm lucky i can eat whatever i want and not worry, which i admit i sometimes like, but its really not lucky when i am reminded by those people how I'm not normal. I never use to think it was such a bad thing until recently when this kinda hate towards skinny people on the internet happened. Of course its never gonna happen, but i wish everyone could just accept people. idk i didn't write this to get people to tell me its ok blah blah i just wanted somewhere to say this and nowhere else am i comfortable to put this.. I guess if this kinda posting is not allowed it can be deleted, i just want people to know don't try to change your self for others, whether it is weight or anything.
body-shaming is body-shaming. everyone is beautiful in their own way!


Well-Known Member
Gosh I've thought the same thing for a while now. When that one Megan Trainer, "All about that base" song came on the radio I used to feel so uncomfortable, because of all the comments I had read on how much better it is to be voluptuous and have certain larger features such as a behind. I very much support any body type, I just dont see how supporting heavy weight needs to be reversing the shaming. we should all be equal no matter what body type. I understand that it has and is usually significantly shameful to be heavy in our society, but everyone is beautiful in their own way.
I saw an interview where Megan Trainer said that a boy had told her once that "shed be hotter if she was about 10 pounds lighter" and how she cried for days and "stopped eating for a whole day". But you know to be completely honest i've been told by boys before "you'd look hotter if you had a butt and weren't like 80 pounds" but gee, is that not supposed to hurt me since it wasn't a comment about being overweight? Slamming body image goes both ways, in my opinion.
You are right, everyone is beautiful in their own way.