Jude charater art work ( open )

Anyways some of you guys might have noticed that I've been in Vietnam studying tattooing... Anyways so here the deal I've been drawing, and drawing, and learning new skills everyday however I'm running out of people to draw! So what does this have to do with tattooing well simple this is what I do
1. I draw like randomness circles, and etc to get my picture working!
2 once I see that it great I draw lines, and there for that lead to tracing... you can laugh at me all you want but it not easy as you think it is so.
3. doing this will not just help me improve my drawing, coloring, and shading but be a beneficial to you guys for free!


So all I'm asking is for you to comment tell me what you want me to draw with your character, and I'll come up with something thanks for reading, and enjoy the follow creation I drew!

MVMK_Kevin saluting! ( http://s24.postimg.org/ihtsj02c5/jude_sault.png )

Darkfairy dancing I made her dance lol ( http://postimg.org/image/nxu6b7aqz/

Jude, and Cinder block fly swatter 9000 (http://s7.postimg.org/tkzmvckbf/jude_and_cinder.jpg)

Mickey mouse: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1470301_605073886224145_1493971630_n.jpg ( I just updated my art skills )

* bow my head * Sorry that all I have to show you but like I said it ABSOLUTELY FREE so please commit, and tell me what you want! :)
roflmao... jude..such a dork...lol..

thats fairy tho..cept' it would be the 'hot dog dance song' in the background...hahhahahaa.....

Dark Fairy ~~ I Will...BEAT You....and get out from under my bed =p . Youz the Nerd =p and the blonde dork =p lol :D