Not sure who wrote this,


Literal Princess
...but I read it and fell in love with the way it was written. Thought I'd share.

Try as I might,
I cannot put into words
all the love I have
collected for you.
From the way you breathe,
to the constellations of
the freckles on your cheeks.
You have grown roots
in my soul and
planted seeds in my heart.
You're in my dreams and
in my reality, and I almost
can't tell them apart
If you were to open
my brain, all you would
find is your name,
and a sporadic spectrum of
memories that you made.
I could spend hours
counting your heartbeats and
memorizing every color
in your eyes.
I can't quite pinpoint the
exact moment the stars aligned,
and the butterflies in my
stomach lit the match
that sparked the fire in my heart.
All I know is that your
"I love you"
makes me melt, and the
laugh from your lips is
the answer to a question
I didn't even know I was