Short Poem Collection by Annalissa

Depths of my Mind:
I embarked one day to the depths of my mind
Where hatred is hollow and love undefined
Where society is hushed and the words are kind
Where the present is future and the past is behind
Where women wore white and men didn?t have thorns
Where it was as tranquil and silent as seas after storms
Where suddenly everything began to transform
Where trees began crippling and flowers deformed
Where the moon emerged and the sun shut its rays
Where the blue and white skies turned to crimson and grey
Because the future is near yet the past not behind
Because hatred is common and love is defined
Because society speaks and the words are not kind
Because back in reality there?s nothing benign
And a great world exists only in the depths of my mind.

Here I Lie:
Here I lie years later, in the bitterness of despair
Here I lie years later with the suffering I must bear.
Here I lie in sorrow that entangles me like weeds.
Here I lie in the results of my faulty previous deeds
Here I lie in this vicious world and correct me if I'm wrong
But we all lie here in emptiness and yearning to move on
Now tell me my poor soul do you lie alongside me?
For without you I'm a hollow shell of what I used to be.

Tears Of Blood:
Let our tears represent*
All the anger of our kind
Our clocks are ticking quickly
Yet no-one seems to mind.

The luscious earth surrounds us
Beautiful, tender and frail
Yet no-one seems to notice it
We all just weep and wail.

Here we stand as humans
Full of anger, love, and pride
Tramping everything and anyone
With our vengeful, evil stride.

Let our tears be the reminder
Of our ways so crass and cruel
And our blood demonstrate
All the fire that we fuel.

So let the tears be spilled
In this godforsaken hour
For there are those that live for love
and those that live for power

Not Alice:
I am not Alice, not anymore
Chasing the rabbit till my body was sore
He enticed me so far, into his trap
I fell in the hole and never looked back
Yet the rabbit always had somewhere to be
A place so distant that did not include me
I pursued the rabbit as long as I could
But I never reached him, like i thought I would
The rabbit mislead me and off with my head
Another heart shattered, another soul dead
But he couldn?t kill me, I?m no longer sore
Because I am not Alice, not anymore

Battle of the Deep Teenage Soul:
Battling inside me is heaven and hell
They?re both clawing and gnawing
Attempting to yell

Battling inside me are the black and the white
They are pondering deeply
The wrong and the right

Battling inside me are the moon and the sun
Both glistening brightly
So which one of them won?

Battling inside me is myself and I
An ongoing war
And I do not know why

All the conflicts inside me have taken their toll
In this ongoing battle of the deep teenage soul