tell me how embarrassing you were 5 years ago

Oh man. Um, okay I had a virtual boyfriend and I found out he had another virtual girlfriend so I started drama in his game room by going in there and letting my 'real life boyfriend' take over my avatar and so he could 'beat him up' (or threaten to, at least). Also I use to go around a pretend I was a little kid when I was bored. Not exactly five years ago (would say more like eight or nine--and I feel old saying that, jeez) but yeah I'd say still counts.
I used to run around saying brb every second because all the cool kids said brb and I thought it meant burp. idk. LOL
omg I thought brb meant burp too XD


Well-Known Member
Legit had a "virtual boyfriend" on vmk for 11 months, even after vmk closed and then the infamous AIM became my new obsession using comic sans of course Lol.
Was also one of those scene kids. I try to erase it from my memory


Petty Officer Third Class US Navy
Back in the day I had a crush on HOST_Hula (I have no idea why. I was young!). I had a pretty popular Guest Room game going and HOST_Hula came to judge it and I freaked out in real life. Haha, good times :)


Well-Known Member
I never had a scene phase, but I thought I was so cool because I was "random" and "unique". I used to use those rainbow colored letters on AIM and my usernames were grnpotato and chocolate_luving_monkeyz *cringe*


The Scourge of Avariciousness
I went through this phase where I wore a lot of black and intentionally made people pity me so I could suck up all the attention. I also used a lot of "LOL XD" and "ROLFCOPTER!!" and "FTW" more than any person on the Internet ever should. Also, I became easily obsessed with secondary characters and fangirled way too much. My lessons have been learned...

As far as VMK goes, I roleplayed stupid things way too much and enjoyed being the youngest player in these sessions. Like a small child type of character trying to grab everyone's immediate attention. It's difficult to explain in detail. But looking back on it, I feel pathetic.
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The Keyblade Master
I would always do the whole "baby" and "taken" thing and constantly bug people who I thought was "hot". Oh, I would also beg people for super rare freebies, thinking it wasn't a big deal ... Now that I'm going into college, I can't help but be so embarrassed D:


i lost count of how many days tbh
I wasn't allowed to have an AIM..I feel so left out ); lol. I was only allowed on the computer during the weekends, hmm lets see what else
& I would always do the baby and taken thing xD Plus I used to OBSESS over a horrible boy band who's name I shall not mention...
but I sort of miss my 2008-2011 self :/