Update the High scores page a bit!


Well-Known Member
I do not even play Haunted Mansion, however, I would love to see this happen since I look at the High scores for each minigame on the daily... Please reset the Haunted Mansion All-Time high scores for the love of GOD(lol) since they were previously recorded for score and not the number of ghosts. Pointless to have the lowest(most attainable) All-time high score for Haunted Mansion to be 216,485 . When the high score for Haunted Mansion today is 132. Maybe add a separate section for All-Time HM high score before the way scoring was updated. Also, maybe adding a High score column for the Month, maybe in place of yesterday's high scores. Or maybe even in addition to the current ones we have. I would also love the idea to maybe have a Yearly column if possible since we are now going into our 7th-8th year of being open! Maybe even incentivize players by giving out small prizes for the top high score for the month or the top high score for the year? Just some thoughts and suggestions I was thinking of this morning while scrolling through the high scores page... ALSO, I noticed A LOT more people are playing minigames today based off of the somewhat marginal increase across the board in high scores when compared to yesterday's high scores... So... kudos to the MyVMK Staff for coming up with a plan to make minigames rewardable equally across the board instead of just POTC.

New Highscore Menu.PNG


Forever Awkward
I suggested the idea to retire the old high score board since a lot of the games now have increased point values. Fireworks for example, before the new client Amerpersand. had the high score of 9,900 which was an insane score. Now the all time high is me at 11.1k. On the old client my all time high was 9.3k. In my opinion, Amerpsand. should be recognized as the best old client fireworks player but his high score was buried under all the new scores. I think a pin that commemorates high scores before the new client would be really cool, have a unique Gold Silver and Bronze pin for each game and then another one for 4th - 10th.

Also I REALLY REALLY miss the feature to search a profile on the website and see their top 10 scores in each game. I wish that was a feature over the inventory feature that doesn't really work.