Winter Dream/Crate Prize List


Well-Known Member
Hey post any of your prizes here and I'll compile them into this top post thanks guys.

Olaf Pet Base

Ice Castle Maquette

Enchanted Snowflake Pin

Blinking Hanukkah shoes

Snowflake Leggings

Ice Skates Magic

Christmas Tree Hat

Christmastown Gate (very big)

Badge (its the same badge as last year if you already have one you may gift one to someone in the room)


When you lose you get Frozoned

Red Bow

Minnie Ears Plaid Bow

Snowflake Minnie Ears

Minnie Ears Fuzzy

Ushanka Winter Hat - Red (sweater is the gold chest rare prize)

Red,Blue,Green Flannel Jackets

Snowflake Sweater

Stuffed Animal - Cat Bear, Bunny

Stuffed Bear Pink

Beanie-Shellie Mae

White Duffy Beanie

You get these crates from completing minigames, winning games has a higher chance than losing but both still has a chance at the crate. Jungle Cruise will also give you a chance at a crate but you must complete the full 3 laps in the minigame. The rest of the minigames give you a crate as well so go play whatever you want.

HOST_Nala said:
We base it on time. So it could be 5 games of POTC for a crate is equal to 2 games of JC.
So my best understanding is that the time it takes to earn a crate is averaged on the back end so JC is just as good as pirates or fireworks. The only thing that time is doing is how long it takes to attempt to give you a crate, you still need to get lucky with obtaining one. So I personally think this system works well, play any minigame you want and you still have the same chance of getting a crate.
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Well-Known Member
do you get crates from playing Jungle Cruise?
It's not known right now, I'm going to assume no because they said "you get a chance at a crate randomly every time you win a minigame" and when asked about JC @QA_Rufus wasn't sure either way. So patiently waiting for someone to update us. see top post
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