Clearing the Air

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Well-Known Member
Here's some air freshener.. favoritism has been here since day 1, and you know what? It ain't going anywhere. From the gas mask to the bird hat for a fool, we've seen so much, it's like a cancer sore on the neck that we're not supposed to look at. That's about as clear as the arid smell is gonna get.

How far you're willing to stalk officials, please them, and manipulate them is the driving force of your inventory, and it trumps recognition derived from actual effort, and just about all aspects of game play.

What I gathered from Amy's post, her family is involved with her being on the computer all the time, to the point where it causes fights. And they probably gave her a hard time for the insane hours of doing what she does for this community. So what did she do? How did she handle it? She left her family. I don't blame her really, I'd of done the same for old school VMK. Family knew when I was playing, talking to me would be useless. Just bring me food.

Best of luck to you Amy and living with the company you surround yourself with.
Here's some air freshener.. favoritism has been here since day 1, and you know what? It ain't going anywhere. From the gas mask to the bird hat for a fool, we've seen so much, it's like a cancer sore on the neck that we're not supposed to look at. That's about as clear as the arid smell is gonna get.

How far you're willing to stalk officials, please them, and manipulate them is the driving force of your inventory, and it trumps recognition derived from actual effort, and just about all aspects of game play.

What I gathered from Amy's post, her family is involved with her being on the computer all the time, to the point where it causes fights. And they probably gave her a hard time for the insane hours of doing what she does for this community. So what did she do? How did she handle it? She left her family. I don't blame her really, I'd of done the same for old school VMK. Family knew when I was playing, talking to me would be useless. Just bring me food.

Best of luck to you Amy and living with the company you surround yourself with.
I can legitimately and honestly 100% tell you that "favoritism" is not really present. Obviously, just like any person, staff members go around the kingdom spending time with members that are nice to them (just like anyone else, we just want to have a peaceful time in game). This is not favoritism in the slightest, if you are nice, regardless of your past history with us, we are nice to you. Personally, I treat every single one of your the absolute same. I never give one of you special treatment nor would I ever, that's not fair. Amy had only ever recolored a dress, she did not give her an exclusive item- It was nothing she had not done in public rooms to random players before.

The "manipulation" that I am posting.. is nothing like that. Do you know how much we all care about you all? Do you know how devastated we get when someone comes to us with problems? We care about you all so much. This post is literally coming from purely and truthfully caring about you all. I would not take hours and hours from my day, staying up for crazy hours if I did not care about each and every single last one of you. Regardless of your in game status, if you dislike staff or not.. We care.

From what I have heard from Amy, this is not the case. I do not want reveal more information on her behalf, however, I know her family troubles have nothing to do with the game. Unless she can confirm anything regarding this, I would suggest all assumptions to be kept off the table.



Well-Known Member
I can legitimately and honestly 100% tell you that "favoritism" is not really present. Obviously, just like any person, staff members go around the kingdom spending time with members that are nice to them (just like anyone else, we just want to have a peaceful time in game). This is not favoritism in the slightest, if you are nice, regardless of your past history with us, we are nice to you. Personally, I treat every single one of your the absolute same. I never give one of you special treatment nor would I ever, that's not fair. Amy had only ever recolored a dress, she did not give her an exclusive item- It was nothing she had not done in public rooms to random players before.

From what I have heard from Amy, this is not the case. I do not want reveal more information on her behalf, however, I know her family troubles have nothing to do with the game. Unless she can confirm anything regarding this, I would suggest all assumptions to be kept off the table.

I don't see why people are so upset - all Amy did was let her wear a recolored dress for one hour! If any of us got to do something like that we wouldn't be complaining, and wouldn't want everyone yelling at you. I love how Amy takes time to go and hang out with people, it's really cool and makes the game awesome!


Well-Known Member
Amy had only ever recolored a dress, she did not give her an exclusive item..
My post was about the broader picture, but I've beat that horse to death. I appreciate your stance though.

I would suggest all assumptions to be kept off the table.

When she posts cryptic portions of what's going on in her real life, it's what we're left to do.


Well-Known Member
I can legitimately and honestly 100% tell you that "favoritism" is not really present. Obviously, just like any person, staff members go around the kingdom spending time with members that are nice to them (just like anyone else, we just want to have a peaceful time in game). This is not favoritism in the slightest, if you are nice, regardless of your past history with us, we are nice to you. Personally, I treat every single one of your the absolute same. I never give one of you special treatment nor would I ever, that's not fair. Amy had only ever recolored a dress, she did not give her an exclusive item- It was nothing she had not done in public rooms to random players before.

The "manipulation" that I am posting.. is nothing like that. Do you know how much we all care about you all? Do you know how devastated we get when someone comes to us with problems? We care about you all so much. This post is literally coming from purely and truthfully caring about you all. I would not take hours and hours from my day, staying up for crazy hours if I did not care about each and every single last one of you. Regardless of your in game status, if you dislike staff or not.. We care.

From what I have heard from Amy, this is not the case. I do not want reveal more information on her behalf, however, I know her family troubles have nothing to do with the game. Unless she can confirm anything regarding this, I would suggest all assumptions to be kept off the table.

the key word folks is "not really" ^_^.
OK if I didn't make it clear from my previous post I've witnessed Amy "Amify" and recolor things on random people in public rooms and guest rooms. She does it for fun. If you were on when we were all blue, all she did was recolor us for the day. I think it's a fun way for her to interact with us too. Can we please stop jumping on the favoritism bandwagon?
the key word folks is "not really" ^_^.
Okay, going to keep going. I am very tired of hearing this... Our staff, from every single situation I have seen, treat every member the same. Personally, I know that I do. We have strict guidelines in which we go about the absolute same for every player. If it's disciplinary action, everyone is treated equally, if it's an event, everyone has been treated equally. If someone is brought on as staff it is not about favoritism, it is strictly who we would consider to be the best candidate for the position. If you have experienced any favoritism, PM me immediately and I will personally speak to that staff member. I can't speak for every staff member on their stance on this but I know that more than anything.. we care about you all too much to make you feel so.. unimportant?

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Previously Tessa
When she posts cryptic portions of what's going on in her real life, it's what we're left to do.
Her personal life problems do not concern you. If she did not explain that she is in a difficult situation right now, then people would be throwing around crazy assumptions and rumors about her. All we need to know is that she is busy with real life - you don't have to keep prodding for more information.


Well-Known Member
we care about you all too much to make you feel so.. unimportant?

Unrecognized would be more suitable a word. Tons of talented players during the gingerbread show were lost through being overlooked. Tons.

Her personal life problems do not concern you.
And my posts do not concern YOU. How do you like them apples? Practice what you preach.

I wouldn't be surprised if all of this keeps her from ever posting about personal life again.
As she shouldn't.
Okay: This thread is about positivity. We all have to let go our hard feelings or actually address them to us. This will not, I repeat, will not, give you a target over your head like so many seem to believe. We WANT to hear your feedback, we want to know your feelings. If there is something that we can change to make the game feel more welcoming and less full of negativity, we WILL listen. So many asked for double credits to make up for pirates.. we implemented it.



MyVMKPal Webmaster Dev
When is amy going to get another developer to help?

it might not be a bad idea to monetize some aspects of the community to pay for another dev.


Well-Known Member
Okay: This thread is about positivity. We all have to let go our hard feelings or actually address them to us. This will not, I repeat, will not, give you a target over your head like so many seem to believe. We WANT to hear your feedback, we want to know your feelings. If there is something that we can change to make the game feel more welcoming and less full on negativity, we WILL listen. So many asked for double credits to make up for pirates.. we implemented it.

You guys did a great job handling this. Got rid of the timer, addressed the situation to the community so we are aware what's going on, gave double credits as asked for by players to make up for the delay.

All of that is a big step forward but I can't help feeling like any responses players give on the forums, if they aren't the positive cookie cutter response expected by staff then they get deleted, or ignored. The other day there was a thread that started off somewhat negative in the general forum about people complaining. Myself and others were giving calm constructive criticism about the delay and why we were really annoyed. I didn't see the thread get out of hand, or people attack anyone, but instead try to identify the key problem and ways to resolve it. That thread was deleted and yet another thread made in response, about everyone being positive, nothing really to do with the sub-forum, in which most of it is just random youtube videos is still there. As I said, that's the positive cookie cutter vibe it seems that is the only one allowed. One thread was constructive criticism and airing that we weren't annoyed over not having potc but about the bigger picture, and the other was a general everyone be happy and have some youtube videos ladeeda thread and only the latter is still there.

I know this post will get probably deleted but myself and others feel this forum is being very oppressive. For example the fact that instead of staff members warning and then banning players in the shoutbox, they instead removed it, the fact that the rants forum (which was an opt-in sub forum) was deleted instead of moderated, and the fact that any somewhat negative feedback gets deleted, ignored or acted like the people behind it are rude brats who should be nothing but positive and grateful. If you don't have an opinion staff want to hear then it's not an opinion that matters it seems.

I spend a lot of time working on posts in the thread that got completely deleted where I outlined the mistakes, ways the improve and what has been and can be done. Many people agreed as both posts I did got a ton of likes and neither of them were that negative and definitely didn't attack anyone but instead tried to objectively voice the opinions of the community with constructive criticism and highlighting the core of where MyVMK seems to be failing. All that was for nothing I guess as the thread got deleted and my posts probably ignored, if they were even seen at all.

I just want to state that this is in no way an attack on staff or trying to paint you as the bad guys, however myself and others feel like we can't truly voice our opinions, or at least not on the forums.

In closing I just want to say kudos for making these steps forward so quickly, it shows you do care and want to try start mending bridges between staff and the players. Admitting fault is a hard thing to do and after some time this issue started to get handled well and with grace.


Ohana means family.
There isn't much "bad" things in the games for me. The staff and the events been wonderful from my perspective.
The only thing that I see the causes problems is that there is a lot of expectations to get things done. If something doesn't get done, complaints flood the game. We all just need to realize that there is only 1 developer that is doing all the work, and she is giving all her effort to get it done, and working on a game is a very hard thing to do. We need patience and rather play the game other than expecting things to come.


don't you fret, my dear
This thread made me realize a lot of things. Well, more so that these are things I've been realizing the past several days, but this seems to be the most appropriate thread to vocalize how I've been feeling.

I've been rude. I've been accusing players of things they haven't done. I've been selfish, inconsiderate, and downright intolerable for some. My behavior as of late's been crossing personal boundaries I thought I'd never cross over a game.

It seems that I turned on my apathetic side when I began being rather...rude. My irritation over several factors - both in real life and in-game - caused my anger to pent up over a period of time to the point where I simply exploded. I was tired of what I thought was favoritism, both by staff and by my parents; I was sick of being mistreated by people; I was wary of anyone I talked to, if only because of what's been said of me recently.

In response, I lashed out. I made accusations towards staff members. I lobbed personal insults at others. I did not help the community at all; in fact, I more than likely contributed to the negative emotions felt by many this past week. I believed the one-sided gossip I heard. I thought that I and the community were being wronged. And I was wrong for assuming that. And I was wrong for saying things I shouldn't have even thought of. I was most definitely out of hand, in both what I thought and what I said.

I probably sound outright pretentious right now, or begging for attention. That's not my intention. In fact, my intentions are, simply put, to admit that I am to blame for what I did. I heard one side of the story, I took in only negative experiences, and I acted cynical and downright mean as a result of it. It's my fault for being so rude and nasty.

I want to just take a moment to say that I honestly do appreciate what staff has been doing, in both creating MyVMK and in trying to make up for what has occurred. What others have said - and what I have said - must have worn y'all down quite a bit. It must be frustrating to hear the same insults day after day. I never thought to take a minute to realize that there are actual people behind the pixelated characters. Now that I have...well...I appreciate what staff does so much more than I once did.

I'm going to strive to be a better person on this game. I'm going to try my best to make the community a positive one. I can't undo what I did before, but I can make improvements upon my actions in-game and on-forum. I'm sorry. This has been weighing on my mind a lot lately, because, simply put, I feel bad. So I just wanted to apologize.

And I want to thank staff - especially @Snow for making this thread - in clearing up what's gone down the past week. I feel a lot better knowing exactly what happened.

Blackstock out. Peace, y'all. :hearts:
Here's my two credits.

I think a lot of us have come to expect the same kind of professionalism we experienced in the original game and we're not satisfied. The staff members were employees that worked as moderators, running events and keeping the operation running smoothly. They were friendly and helpful, but reserved. Strangers. We didn't them on a personal - or even "friendly" level. We could trust them to help us and create an enjoyable experience, but they couldn't be any more than an acquaintance. Mere overseers of the Kingdom. No obvious favoritism or special treatment of any kind. This kept a clean, secure, and professional image. Again, I think a lot of us expect the same on the forum from our experiences on VMKMagic which was extremely well run. I think a lot of people secretly wish everything to be the way it was. Is that going to happen? Probably not. We're much older and a different group is running the game, so the outcome is obviously going to be very different. That doesn't have to be a bad thing, but that doesn't mean we can't strive to become the community we once were if that's what we really want. We just shouldn't expect so much from this small group of people. Regardless, professionalism is something I take to heart.

I could go on and on about how I don't support any form of special treatment from staff members, but I'll save my breath (fingers?) This is obviously a very...passionate community. I think everything should be kept on the same level - even temporary gifts. Envy is a nasty little thing and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Of course, I'm not saying you shouldn't be fun and friendly with the community. It's important to connect, but...not on such a personal level.

Also, something I'd like to point out is I think some of the anger/frustration is coming from fear. These events are very similar to those prior to the fall of OVMK, so I can definitely understand why communication issues would be unsettling and cause a freakout. This is a prime example of why communication is key. There are maaannnyyy ways to prevent this chaos. I hope everyone takes this as a positive learning experience. (:
Okay: This thread is about positivity. We all have to let go our hard feelings or actually address them to us. This will not, I repeat, will not, give you a target over your head like so many seem to believe. We WANT to hear your feedback, we want to know your feelings. If there is something that we can change to make the game feel more welcoming and less full of negativity, we WILL listen. So many asked for double credits to make up for pirates.. we implemented it.

It's hard to improve upon something that holds little depth, from an outsiders perspective.
VMK's exterior is a casual one. There isn't much there. It seems as if, the initial plan of the game was something simple, but the community and staff over time adopted traits from other online games. This giving the interior of a game, a rather complex engine. VMK's setting holds little value to the gameplay. The whole 'disney theme' is just the backdrop to the actual game.
There are a lot more things at play here, than exploring and reliving the 'wonderful magic of Disney'!
Like trading for example. The problem with trading, is that it's become the core aspect of the game. Trading has replaced what should be the primary aspect of the game.
VMK isn't intended to be a solo experience, and yet because of the high demand for more rare items, it's become somewhat of that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not 'anti-rare', or 'anti-trading'. I believe that trading is a very important part of the game for SOME people. The problem that other players and I are faced with, is that we don't particularly care about how rare an item is. We don't care for it's value. We care about how it looks.
So while other players like to flaunt their expensive and rare items, there are others, like myself, who wear what we want.
BUT, obtaining certain items that we wanted in the previous game is, undoubtedly, extremely, time-consuming and difficult.

My main point I'm trying to make is, making items rare as soon as possible has become an issue for the more casual players. It's practically been shoved down our throats.
Another problem is:

MyVMK is NOT VMK. Things should change, things should be different. Do NOT mimick what was rare in the previous game. One thing we were all looking forward to, was obtaining things we could NOT in the previous game. So please, be CREATIVE with what you retire! Or, take it easy on retiring items constantly. The game doesn't revolve around trading. :/
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