anxiety while driving?


Well-Known Member
Hello, so just recently this year I have developed very severe anxiety. I don't exactly know what it came from. I have usually been fine driving for the most part but actually today, I was on my way home from school and I just started having a panic attack, but with the panic attack along came me feeling like I was going to pass out. This actually really scared me ( I have passed out when I was younger a few times so I know what its like) my head started feeling light headed and my hands were tingling so badly and I felt not in control of my driving which is obviously bad.

My school is 20 minutes form my house so I kept trying to drive faster to get home quicker because I thought everything was fine and it was all in my head. I took deep breaths, drank water and even ate candy while driving and it just continued to get worse. I made it home okay but I almost had to pull over a few times. This has never happened to me before and now im like terrified to drive home from school. Does anyone have any tips that can maybe help me while driving? (Breathing really doesn't help me and neither does listening to the radio so I really don't know).
:c Maybe try and think about something else. This helps me when I've felt anxiety. Or maybe you can have friend in the car for reassurance. Or maybe also, walk to your school till you feel ready to drive again. I've never had anxiety like this before ,but hopefully this helps in any way. :hug:


Sometimes I art.


Okay, so I've had really bad anxiety since middle school and because of which often I feel like I'm gonna get sick and can get shaky whenever I have to go out and about. Yes, I'm that bad that just leaving my house can put everything on edge.

I find that distractions are key, but obviously if you're driving you can't let yourself get too distracted. I suggest turning on some comforting tunes like some of the people above have already suggested. I personally would only listen to Disney songs in my car when I first started driving because it was the most comforting thing for me. Lately though I find listening to podcasts might be better because you're more focused on the conversation, because it can provoke actual thoughts that take your mind off things, unlike just music.

I also insisted on having the air conditioner on even when I was already cold. The air circulation just helped me stay focused and comforted. Usually just fanning myself helped me feel better so this was my hands free method.

But to be honest these sort of things work differently on everyone. Anxiety is horrible and everyone has to deal with it in their own way and after years of searching for the "quick fix," I'm sorry to tell you their might not be one. It's something that you'll just find yourself slowly growing out of as you slowly ease out of the habits like the ones I've listed.

I'm not trying to say, "You'll grow out of it." or trying to discredit what you're facing right now as a phase just trying to say it's something you'll learn to adapt to.

Either way, just know you're not alone! Everyone gets anxiety, some just find it harder to deal with then others but it's important to not let it control you. You're going to be just fine! You've driven before it seems and one bad experience shouldn't contradict the several other good ones! Try not to concern yourself too much, loosen up, and BREATHE! (I know you love the breathing tips! XD)

You're gonna nail this! <3
girl i feel you

i haven't even been able to take drivers ed classes or pass my drivers test because i can't be in a car, it literally makes me sick and i almost always have panic attacks. last time my mom tried to take me out for a test drive on an open country road with nobody around for miles, and i had to pull over because i felt responsible for her life and i hate driving for that reason. if i mess up, then everyone's life is in my hands.
these lovely people that have posted before me have left some very good suggestions which i too will try out because i struggle with anxiety as well. we can try to battle this together :art:

i hope you can get through this, and also know that you're not alone!


I've got it going on
Ayye I have panic disorder and have basically passed out from things as minor as having to take an elevator, I know when everyone else says 'it's no big deal!!' it makes it even harder to get through it because it'll just frustrate you that it happens at all. Panic attacks usually happen from the same event after one happens so it's totally understandable that you'd be anxious over even driving again, however sometimes getting rid of the anxiety and panic attacks can be as easy as overcoming it once.
See if someone you're really comfortable with would take a drive with you, and when you're going to school just leave early so you'll have time to pull over if you feel like you need to. A lot of getting over it is convincing yourself that the situation you'll be in is comfortable for you (which it should be)
Also, straight up if you think you're gonna pass out clench your left thumb in a fist it helps calm your heart rate so you can get your head straight and talk yourself out of it (:
Don't psych yourself out, you got it dude :cool:
I totally understand you. I have pretty severe anxiety, and driving is not a friend of mine, either.
For me, personally, listening to music is a must. Whether it's the radio, or a playlist I made on Spotify - listening to something is a distraction that helps. I also like to drive with my windows down or the sunroof open, sometimes just getting some fresh air is pretty calming.