Books to movies.

Can they make a good film version of The Inheritance Cycle? Eragon which they made into a movie was depressing. I love the book series, it's my favorite and I know a movie can be made to give it justice. If not, at least I'll always have The Inheritance Cycle to myself ♥


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting for a Kingdom Keepers movie tbh.
I still hold some ill will over Moneyball. Demetri Martin would have been a sick Paul DePodesta. Alas, no Demetri Martin, and no Paul DePodesta. Thanks a lot, Sony's film division fallout.


Well-Known Member
The Visible Man by Chuck Klosterman would be such a good movie
Someone made a fake preview a while back and I was so stoked for nothing [emoji31]


Magic Maker
There has been one book series that I have always wished were movies...

"The Enchanted Forest Chronicles"

It's an older fantasy series, but defiantly one of my favorites. :)


Well-Known Member
I wish they never made twilight into a movie series sighs but it did make me like Jacob better than I did in the books I guess
also they never should have made City of Bones into a movie, either. I was ultimately disappointed and lets just say I raged pretty hard during the entire thing

I really want The Mortal Instruments (City of Bones) to have a remake but that'll never happen cries


New Member
I really want to see House of Leaves made into a series of movies (just because there is no way it could fit into just one). Only if they are portrayed well, however. It would be really hard to produce and really easy to screw up, so I don't know. Now I'm changing my mind, haha.

I think the entertainment industry could have spared us the horrors of making 50 Shades of Grey into a movie given how the book should have never been published in anyone's lifetime ever.
I read a book a bit ago called Ashfall its by Mike Mullin. I'd absolutely love if that became a movie. I'll probably still like the book better than the movie tho lol.