

Well-Known Member
So, I am doing a current lab experiment! and I've set an age group ages 15-25. can you please answer:

What are TWO qualities you want in your future spouse?

now some of you might already have a spouse sooo what are two qualities you wanted before them? or something.

Age. you do not have to include your name but it would also help if you could enclose your state but you do not have to if you do not want to.

Thank you all for the help I really appreciate it! Please include your age(: and put whatever you want! There is no wrong answer. But keep it PG.


And I realize this is not related to vmk so if this post should not be here let me know!
I see no one has posted yet... So I'll try to help.

Two words:

State: FL

Hope this bumps the thread up :) Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Age: 18
State: Oklahoma

2 traits I would want in a future spouse...

Someone I can engage in intellectual conversations with on a daily basis

Also have a sense of humor, especially to laugh at my bad sense of humor!


who want lasanga?!
Age: 18
State: IL
Traits: Loving and trustworthy


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys!!! I really appreciate it! I need more people from other states because I have a TON from California since that is where I rescide. I need as much info by May 13th, 2014 by 4 pm pacific which is... 7 pm Eastern right? Anyways! I will gladly share my results with you all when I tally the results! They are separated by males and females and I will share the top three results between each! Keep in mind: I have only sampled a little amount of each so this should not represent women or men as a whole. Again Thank you! and thank you all who reply! You are greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Age: 18
State: AL
Qualities: I want my future spouse to have the same beliefs that I do (ex - religion) and to be to "get" me. We need to be able to get along and talk, but he definitely needs to understand how I think, since I'm such an analytical person.


Well-Known Member
Age: 18
State: Pennsylvania
Trait 1: Someone who is forgiving and patient. (I'm not always the most agreeable creature.)
Trait 2: Enjoys cuddling. This is a must.


Well-Known Member
Age: 19
State: Oregon
Qualities: intelligent, understanding


dam thats crazy
Age: 18
State: Florida is where my home is and I'm here for Summer, and Colorado for school (Wasn't sure if location matters a lot, so I thought I'd be

Two Traits:
Sense of humor


Frying pans, who knew?
Age: 19
State: Wisconsin (How different from the rest of you! Lol)

Loyal & humorous :D