Disconnected from Host Game I suggested

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I Suggested this Host Game and got Disconnected every time I was close to entering


Well-Known Member
I mean, thanks for suggesting the game for us.. But you can't blame disconnection on anyone. It's just network flukes. Lots of times, it may just be a power surge or other fluke that causes your router to just stop for a tenth of a second, but that's enough to break the string that connects you to the My VMK servers.
Bull its the 20 minute time out junk! and I never time out on other games its a BUG made by Staff and I just love how understanding of my frustration you guys are not a single sympathetic word in the thread.


No I am not kidding you
That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard come out of someone. There's no reason for them to intentionally disconnect people. I get disconnected all the time but I don't put the blame on the staff in any way nor do I accuse them of such idiotic things - I shouldn't have to be sympathetic about this.
That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard come out of someone. There's no reason for them to intentionally disconnect people. I get disconnected all the time but I don't put the blame on the staff in any way nor do I accuse them of such idiotic things - I shouldn't have to be sympathetic about this.
You realize there is a no movement 20 minute disconnect in place dont you? for ALL players? Please do not flame me again for my Opinions
You realize there is a no movement 20 minute disconnect in place dont you? for ALL players? Please do not flame me again for my Opinions
I'm not flaming you, I'm saying it's ridiculous that you think it's their fault. Disconnections are happening to everyone and you didn't have to mention the fact you suggested a game and you couldn't even get into it, that's irrelevant.
You realize there is a no movement 20 minute disconnect in place dont you? for ALL players? Please do not flame me again for my Opinions
There's not a 20 minute disconnect. There's a timer that kicks you from rooms if you don't move -- but there's nothing in the game that will disconnect you for a period of inactivity.
I'm not flaming you, I'm saying it's ridiculous that you think it's their fault. Disconnections are happening to everyone and you didn't have to mention the fact you suggested a game and you couldn't even get into it, that's irrelevant.
No wonder you have so many posts 20 Minute disconnect has got to GO! is my Point
Sorry to hear about your dc.

I thought I was toast too. Upon entering the room only avatars and ride track loaded for me. I managed to get on the ride track.

A few seconds later the space (on its own) fully loaded by what appeared to be reloading itself a couple times. I found myself in the entrance again--with a fully loaded room. I feared exiting as this time I had issues getting on the ride and could see all those red exit spaces. Thanks to tips from others I got on the ride.

Whew! Host event stress. I forgot about that stuff.
Thank you Happy and anyone who has a suggestion used just wants that much more to see it in action was my other point. how someone could have NO empathy for that is beyond my understanding of human decency.
No wonder you have so many posts 20 Minute disconnect has got to GO! is my Point
You mean getting booted for being idle? You should have a larger vocabulary because I didn't understand what you were saying. They should be kept because idle people can hog rooms. kthx
You mean getting booted for being idle? You should have a larger vocabulary because I didn't understand what you were saying. They should be kept because idle people can hog rooms. kthx
My vocabulary is fine maybe you just lack understanding.
For the record, there is no disconnect timer - I've been afk for hours at a time, and even though I get booted from the room I'm in eventually, I have not once gotten disconnected from the game.

Sorry to hear you got disconnected, but it happens to the best of us.
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