Disney Trivia Rant


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, I think it's no secret that I'm a very vocal player when it comes to trivia. I target opponents simply because they target me. That being said, I don't understand why anyone decided that trivia should be played in this manner, the kind where after you get a point right, you have to choose someone to go down. Not only is this counterintuitive but it just slows the game down altogether. Apologies to anyone who's been offended by my in-game rants; I acknowledge that I've been rude at times, but trivia should go back to a simple point system. In other words, you get a question right, you get the point. Period. To my rivals, I know exactly what you're thinking: hypocrisy, thy name is Basketbuddy. Maybe so, but you can't deny I make a good point about changing the trivia game back to the way it's supposed to be played. Just think, some players can simply stay quiet throughout the ENTIRE game and make it to the final two. That...is unbelievable, and a prime example of why trivia hosts should reconsider the way they run their games.
Yeah I agree with you and also it makes it more competitive.
Idk if you remember but we played together once and it was very intense x)

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