Favorite VMK Memories! :)


dog enthusiast and future imagineer
What were you guys' favorite personal memories/moments in VMK?
If, of course, you remember them :-)

One of my favorite memories had to be when my friend and I would always meet up and do jam sessions on the monorail, my favorite spot in VMK.
ok well this is kind of sad but now it's funny... when I was in like 4th grade playing vmk, I hat the chicken hat and this girl tricked me into giving it to her, so i gave it to her and right after i realized that she tricked me and i ran to my parents room screaming and crying saying "SHE TOOK MY CHICKEN HAT!!!" hahahahahhaa :lol: :lol:


The Confused One.
I love how I posted a similar topic to this moments after you did! xD

My favorite memory was when I was given a Dancing Inferno Magic by HOST_Hula during the 50 Inferno Giveaway. I was with one of my better friends in the Fantasyland Courtyard and I apparently wasn't Hula's first choice! I said Hi to her and she offered to trade me. She gave me the inferno and told me that she had selected one of the many other people that were afk at the time in the same room xD

All my other favorite memories relate with making rooms, hanging out with friends in game lobbies or in their wonderful rooms, trading pins, and just enjoying the magic that VMK gave 8)


New Member
When I went into one of HOST_Phinny's teleporter rooms and she traded me and gave me inferno. I nearly cried.
I still remember what the room looks like more or less. This might not necessarily be my favorite memory but it's the only thing I can vividly remember right now.


Well-Known Member
I also have a memory about the Inferno magic... I hadn't even been playing VMK all that long, I don't think, and I entered a "free stuff" room because I was bored. The boy who was "leaving vmk forever!" haha said I could have 1 thing, whatever I wanted. I noticed he was wearing the Inferno pin and jokingly asked if I could have that. He said sure, no problem! Since he was leaving vmk anyways, hahaha and that's how I got my lovely inferno... 8)
if any of u guys knew DisCuteSkaterBoi

he(turned out he was a she) (x

created the "cool crew"

it was like one big family it was sooo great!

also playing the firework game and potc

ugh i remember i was a newbie and some girl gavr me teleportation magic bc she already had a bunch and i had none and my"friend" asked to try it out so i traded it with her and she took off and deleted me -.- i would often see her during the game but by that time i would already have it again plus bat magic and inferno (; she denied she ever new me


Well-Known Member
Making rooms, epecially getting the POTC In-Park Quest Room / building a pirate ship in that room, playing games with my brothers, and seeing all of the Tron stuff get released.


Well-Known Member
It's sad. I actually discovered roleplaying on VMK, tanks to this one guy. I think his name was Mask (or silver nitrate/AgNO3. My brain is stuffed with AP chem stuff), and some of his buddies were on VFK for the first few years.

Looking back on VMK, I remember doing that "bay bee" stuff. My last "duh duh" and I have kept in contact for the past 5+ years through VFK and noticed a few days ago that we are not that far of a drive away from each other (and might be attending the same college next year). It really is a small world.


disney pin trader since 2004
when i met my best friend on vmk and she taught me how to use the camera. the first picture i took was us in the esplanade and the last picture i took was us in the esplanade :')


MyVMKPal Webmaster Dev
Spending countless hours trying to win the sparrow suit.. After 643 games and 7 skull cave rooms full of pirates furni.. i finally won one. I wanted to throw my computer..