
Hey Guys!
So this March, I am taking part in a tradition in Chicago called the Polar Plunge.

This is a Fundraiser that goes to the Special Olympics, something that means a lot to me.
After VMK closed, I wasn't sure what to do with my time,
but after awhile, I began volunteering with Children and Teens with special needs.

Not only have I helped changed their lives, But they have changed mine for the better.
And this is a great way for me to give back to such a wonderful community of people.

So what am I asking?
Well my goal for fundraising is $150,
but I know I can do more than that.

Here is the link to my fundraising page.

It would mean a lot to me, any donation helps :)

Here are some pitures of me volunteering with the kids :)

Thanks a lot guys! :)
To be apart of it? or to donate?
I believe til the day of, which is march 2nd. :)


The Internet Champion!
I've heard of this. MIL just had theirs like a week ago. And I would never take part in this LOL, but I think I'll donate at lest $20 or so.
Thanks so much phil! it means a lot <3
You're so welcome! My uncle has had problems his whole life, he's been in a wheel chair since 2001, and it's hard to think about what extra things he has to do everyday that I don't.
I really appreciate it!
Im sorry to hear that though, I hope he is doing well. :) It is hard to go through something like that. And very difficult.

I actually Volunteered with a little girl who has Muscular Dysrophy, she was around 6 years old and i took her out of her wheelchair, just so she could
be with the other kids at church dancing and singing, and she had a blast. It was great to see her excitment out of her wheelchair. I held her at her armpits, and helped her dance, Boy it was a sight to see. It made me so happy seeing her laugh and giggle having fun with other kids.

I love what you're doing Brooke :). I donated $30. Keep it up!!
Wow, Michael! You are amazing. Thanks you so much.
Bump :)
bumppp! :)))