How active has myvmk been recently?


Well-Known Member
I wasn't on for the LONGEST time (6 or so months) because I couldn't get my MacBook Pro to work on the site, and even the launcher wouldn't work after multiple downloads. Luckily, It finally seems to be working so I'm back online!

Have you tried the myvmk launcher? I couldn't get it to work on my MacBook Pro for months but then I finally tried downloading it from google chrome instead of safari and it now works perfectly!
I've tried using myvmk launcher... it worked for a little while but now it keeps me stuck on the loading screen for HOURS

literally I went to the gym for 2 hrs came back and it was still stuck and then disconnected me.


Official Iron Can
I used to play every day for at least three hours back in 2014, but stopped after being harassed by players online. I'm mature enough not to let "cyberbullying" bother me, but at the same time old enough not to waste my time on something that upset me.

After six months I decided to check back and everyone I had befriended was gone. I'm not sure what this "May" incident is, but I really wish people would come back. I loved connecting with other Disney fans, and the general nostalgia of this game.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I joined last June and forgot about it and didn't log on until October. Kind of wish I had been on to see what this illusive May incident was all about.
I personally don't go on as much because it's a bit too cliquey for me (and not in a cute way) and partially because my in-game username garners a lot of unsolicited disrespect. And it always seems to stem from people who put on a friendly front.

Anyways, now I'm only here for the weekly specials:Pokemon10:
Exactly what happened in May?
I would have linked you to a debate thread all about it, but I can't find it. It would have explained everything.
If I find it, I'll link it.

EDIT: found one. I guess it was moved to archives or there was a second version of this in the debates section that disappeared. I would read through all the link in that first post before you form an opinion on things. It was a rough time for our little game community.
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