How do you get your hair to grow longer, faster?

I cut my hair recently, like a month ago and I really did like my hair cut.. but it's so short to how it once was, and I miss my long hair. I was wondering if anyone knew?

Before: longhair.jpg


SITS hoarder
i'ved heard horse shampoo works well!

& this is what worked for me: leave conditioner in your hair for like 5 minutes every time you wash it. Shampoo, rinse, condition (brush it through your hair like you're combing it with your fingers), and like shave your legs and wash your face while it sits, then rinse. it worked so well for me, my hair grows a lot faster and straighter now


Well-Known Member
Eat calcium tablets, idk. My mom gives me these chocolate calcium vitamins, and my hair already grows pretty fast (it falls like.. To my butt idk what else to reference), and I feel like it helps more. It also makes your nails grow fast and it's good for you because bones n such.
I lost a lot of hair because of a medication that I have to take & I started to take vitamins to help it grow back. It works but it definitely took some time for it to grow back. Anyways, I take folic acid, zinc, & biotin with my breakfast everyday.


scatcat's gang
What I think helps the most of all is not washing it. Some people can get away with not washing it for like 2 or 3 days and it'll still look fine, but for me I can only skip 1 wash. Mine grew SO much faster though. When you go to shower, just put your hair in a bun or a shower cap. :)

I use mane 'n tail like someone mentioned.. I'm not sure if it made a difference but I guess it could have. :o
Try washing your hair every 2 days if you can. I use Keratin Shampoo and it does wonders on my hair. Keratin is a protein that will coat your hair leaving it healthier, softer, and will help with length and straightness. It's very good if your hair is prone to breakage. Try not to use too much of this cause it pretty powerful stuff, and can dry your hair out if used too often. A nice deep conditioner, as said before, does great as well! (:


scatcat's gang
Oooh if you haven't tried It's a 10 (miracle leave-in conditioner), you MUST! It's got Keratin in it as @Best_Blonde was talking about. It's really great. Also a shampoo and conditioner that works wonders on my hair is the Suave shampoo and conditioner.. I think it's called Moroccan infusion or something. It's got Moroccan and Argan oil and it's in a goldish bottle. I looove it. :) Another tip I forgot earlier, and this may be kind of obvious, focus your shampoo on your scalp, and your conditioner on your ends. I think I used to put both all over all of my hair, but then I started to focus the shampoo and conditioner in separate areas and I'm pretty positive it helped my hair grow a lot. :D
my hair has just reached the entire length of my back and i do this by treating my hair like it's my baby and taking fish oil pills!
in the shower i like to do a hair mask one to two times a week and that keeps it healthy, because if it isn't healthy your hair won't grow as fast but since you just cut it all off it should be good to go :)
also pleeeeease never brush your hair with an actual brush when it's wet or damp, ALWAYS use a wide toothed comb and don't use heat on your hair! if you can avoid using heat tools then do so
also some extra tips: moroccan oil works MIRACLES and this is the product i swear by!

any other questions i'll help you out kimmy :)


Item Hoarder <3
I just started using Biotin a few months ago and it works wonders. Its for hair, skin, and nails so even an added bonus! I also dont blow dry my hair. It really has helped! Because like you, I cut my hair short and I freaking miss it! But its finally growing! So maybe yours will too! <3
There is no way to make your hair grow longer.
There are ways however to make your hair grow stronger and healthier.
If you massage your scalp whenever you take a shower, it can help keep the blood flowing to your head.
A balanced diet makes your hair grow thicker.
Vitamins and protein are helpful.
I know this because I used to grow large beards out pretty often lol.