I Don't Wanna Adult Yet...


The Owlmighty
It's scary thinking about the end of school... Today, I just signed up for my veterinary boards exam... It's in November/December already! How I feel:

Anyone else ever feel like this? Graduate, Job, House, Family... so many things to start thinking about already...
Totally not alone. I moved all my stuff back into my parents house (and currently there) at the end of this past semester because I traveled around a lot. Now graduation is a month away from today (oh gosh) and I don't have a job lined up yet and haven't even focused on my last class that just started. Lets not be adults. I'm not ready.


Well-Known Member
Definitely know the feeling. Moved out on my own at 19, and have been on my own ever since. Got married this year, and now I'm looking into buying my first home.
I can relate. Awesome you're almost done!

I'm transitioning into my senior year of accounting. My life right now? Driving to school, work, going to class or work, running errands, studying. Studying composed day after day of reading thirty plus pages of dry textbook chapters and reviewing concepts. Ah, I'd be anxious when the time comes to take my board exam. It's pretty nerve-wracking thinking about graduating, preparing/venturing into and working in the professional world, but yeah taking the pressure especially now in stride :allthethings:

I look forward to my first job in the corporate world, making a good income, finally moving out to live in a nice apartment. If I meet a good man someday (with my luck lately...lmao I've pretty much been saying screw it let me just focus on school and improving myself), then marriage will be nice. I'm not worried because I'm pretty set/sure or at least have a solid intuition on the quality/type of man I'd actually marry. Even if I don't get married or don't settle down somewhere and buy a home if I end up traveling, at least I'll be a happy, kick-a--, successful businesswoman. That's all I want to be, haha.

Now starting a family is something that I don't really look forward to as the female (pregnancy...childbirth...ugh), but meh the whole argument about how it's good to expand your bloodline and put more good people in the world yadda yadda. I guess if it's necessary and socially beneficial lol but yeah for all those in your last year(s) in college hang in there :D It'll all be worth it!


am sort of in the same boat. I turn 18 on sunday, and start college in the fall. I DONT WANT TO ADULT. HOW DO I EVEN APPLY FOR A CREDIT CARD? CAN MY MOM ADULT FOR ME FOR JUST A FEW MORE YEARS?