Ice Fire Wall

So.. I made this because I was bored. would be fun for winter maybe? I know recolors aren't that high in demand for some, but an ice fire wall? the fire color is even different. Lol, sorry for my awkwardness. I've been rather tired today XD What do you think?

prepare yourself for awesomeness...


In game:

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Well-Known Member
the fire gives it a look like it's so cold there's mist coming off it, it's really cool tbh

1000x better than the butterwall! This is amazing Hogie, I hope to see it in the game.

PS: Yay for Photoshop!
link to the butter wall, i am genuinely interested to know what you're talking about lol
the fire gives it a look like it's so cold there's mist coming off it, it's really cool tbh

link to the butter wall, i am genuinely interested to know what you're talking about lol
That's the nickname for it since it looks like a chunk of flaming butter. It was the 'gold' firewall in the green crates. I don't have a picture handy, but that's what I meant. XD


HOGSTER!! This is seriously the and you did an AMAZING job. They actually look icey and winter wonderlandy instead of just being a boring blue recoloring. FANTASTIC!! I'm definitely going to send Snow a message recommending this (and I suggest everybody else too :yay:).

you're getting better and better at graphics, every time you post one, i see improvement!
^^ this!!