If you're a senior or doing finals in college...

There is a light at the end of the tunnel so keep on pushing. Just imagine all free time of eating and gaming that's nearing! :fly:

P.S. Remember two words. Ice cream.
I saw a quote on the Internet that said "there comes a time in every semester where if someone ran you over, you would thank them"
The quote of my life. Good luck everyone : D


Well-Known Member
one word: procrastination
Six page research paper due tonight that I haven't started?
Challenge accepted.

That was me on Sunday. And the Monday before. And the Thursday before that. Ya I'm horrible with procrastination.
Anxiously awaiting my final grades for this semester probably to be up by next week. I'm quietly dying inside. So help me God. My grade's on edge after taking that A&P Lab Practical...Praying for the best

Best of luck to you all


Well-Known Member
Words of wisdom (':

Good luck next week to all my fellow AP testers, the credit will be well worth the early morning and long, grueling test!