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Princess Nicole
Okay so I got a mac for graduation and I forgot to bring my old laptop to college which is why I wasn't on for the whole month of september but NOW, my dad brought my old laptop up to college for me and I CAN GO ON MYVMK AGAIN! cause it's not a mac :D I've missed this! So yeah, iM BACK!

Although my wifi here stinks so idk how well it'll work haha


Princess Nicole
Welcome back! I feel you, the wifi at my school is really bad too,
IT's such a struggle! My dad got my an ethernet cable thingy so that's helping, but my old laptop is also realllly slow cause it's like 4-6 years old so ugh im only using it for myvmk xD


Hungry photographer
School WiFi is just awful.
I don't know how kids in the dorms
at the university manage. I hear of
people hosting WoW parties, but I
just don't understand how. ;-;
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