Inappropriate speaking?

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Who do I contact to find out what "inappropriate" thing I said, where staff felt the need to send me a message twice in two days?

I don't feel I said anything that could be deemed inappropriate or in violation of the games terms.
Could someone help me out here?
Did this happen in the game?
If so, please PM Grizzly and he will be happy to help you out with this issue.


Well-Known Member
They generally will tell you in the message - however it may have been a general message to whatever room you were in - not to you specifically.

I believe VMK_Snow is the only in-game *mod* with a forum account - you could try PMing her, Amy or Grizzly :)
Keep in mind that if multiple people in a room you were in were saying inappropriate things, the staff member may have just sent out a room warning. But if you believe it was directed specifically to you, definitely PM Grizzly or VMK_Snow.
It was to me and one other person in the room.
We weren't talking about anything inappropriate, so that's why I'm concerned.

If it was deemed that way by an invisi-mod, then I'd like to at least know what I said so I could not talk about it again, lol.


I would be more than happy to assist you in this process. Please send me a PM and I will see what I can do right now. Thanks!
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