*insert typical goodbye title here*

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yep, to get straight to the point, i'm leaving.
if you care to read on, there will be the reasons why. if not, bye felecia.

1. the game is no longer fun.
many people use this as a reason to leave, but for me it's been this way for a long time. i don't bother getting credits or buying things because it's not fun to me. i don't like wasting so time playing a virtual game to get virtual wealth when i have goals outside of this game, in the real world, that won't get accomplished if i'm just sitting here, clicking away.

2. most of my friends have quit or only get on every once in a blue moon.
i only ever played to talk to people and considering i didn't have a ton of friends (and i'm not talking about those on my friends list, i'm talking about true friends) it's kinda evident when those people quit -or get banned-.

3. along with not having many friends, there are a lot of people who seem to dislike me.
either you love me or hate me and either way that's cool. some people can't handle the sass. i apologize if i ever actually hurt any of you.

4. history repeats itself.
i'm sure you all know what i'm talking about here so need i say more?

5. too much drama.
honestly, y'all act like you're my age (15) or younger. like grow up, okay? the unnecessary trolling and drama that goes on is quite annoying.

6. i dunno what to name this reason.
i've stuck through so much with this game. there were good times like dreams month, getting my stitch hat from the crates and meeting some of the greatest people i've ever known:
@Oreo @Kirito @Jerimiah @Myth @cuipet @Kinglaser @Youtherevmk @Blair @Princess_Stitch @Flower @Foustketeer @Mark @Drewby @Solar @DMoCTTA @Isaiah Rutledge @CoralHibiscus @Dinly @Frinklebumper @hogie @justinrg @Shrimp @Mr.Photographer @ExtremeGreenLight @Elle @RealSaltLakeFan @aceastrofan and probably a few more.

thank you all so much for being the best.

but i've also been through some bad times such as being harrassed/cyberbullied in-game and on the burnbook tumblr blogs and getting scammed (special thanks to @Snow for getting most of my items back).
people don't fully realize that what they say can really affect a person. you don't know what people are going through outside of this game, guys. stop taking a part in this because you may think that it's "just words on the internet" and that people should "get over it" but no. just stop. if you hurt someone, you need to own up to your mistake and apologize, not make excuses. -so again if i hurt anyone, i'm truly sorry.-

7. ourvmk.
yeah no. i can't even think about that forums site without my blood boiling. i'm not going into details because i'm sure most of you will know soon enough what happened.

that's it i believe. if you read all of that, bless your souls. this is goodbye from your favorite -or not favorite- lame yet sassy potato tai.
Ummmmmmmm I don't even know what to say. You are one of the only people I talk to. It makes me so happy when I see you come into a room and then see you notice me and you say #flowerpower and I say #flowerpower and I don't know what the point of me getting on the game is anymore without that. We never talked much but you are one of the sweetest people and you don't deserve any of this bologna. I am so sorry that the community(ies) have turned out to be so dramatic that it is a cause of your leaving. That isn't fair to you or to anyone else that it already has affected. I hope we find each other again on the legit good remake and can reconnect. Or if you want contact information you can pm me :) You are my literal flower power my other flower. <333333


Well-Known Member
This upsets me but we talk outside the game anyway so it's all good ok
I always liked the pictures you posted on the Forums like the eagle :squee: Bye :c :cloud9: :cry:
Goodbye Taiflower, it's sad to see you go.

With that being said, best of luck with everything- especially those goals in the real world! I'm sure you'll reach them all.

-Gregory George Leo


Well-Known Member
::(((( My triplet, i'm gonna miss you, thank you for being a great freind and all the memories we've made on here! Good luck with everything and keep in touch<33


Well-Known Member
aw, I remember you having some nice things to say to me back on my thread when I posted that I was thinking of quitting:(. thanks for having a kind heart && for legit keeping it real on this post :thumbsup:
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